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TrentonMakes t1_iu4fopi wrote

Ignore it, get on a different car, and move on with life.


HeHateMe21 t1_iu4gek5 wrote

Ah I believe that is the public trans mantra actually! “See something, say nothing!”


TrentonMakes t1_iu4iqfy wrote

Tell me what you would do aside from call the cops who also just ignore the psycho drugged out bums on the train.


AbsentEmpire t1_iu4vwpl wrote

SEPTA cops tend to respond quicker when you tell them there's child endangerment happening.


CatchMeWritinQWERTY t1_iu4l7nt wrote

Yeah the world is better off if we just let crazy people harass kids. God forbid we put ourselves in any sort of risk to help a vulnerable person.


[deleted] t1_iu4m392 wrote

Don’t tell a little kid to get involved in something like this. I’ve never seen any of you internet hero’s do anything in real life. The kid should should move to another car at the next stop. Anyone else who wants to move is free to allow the crazy person their private car. Easy.


actualhumanwaste t1_iu52msd wrote

Surprisingly, no one wants to be the one to find out if the crazy has a knife or gun. Can't really blame them can you?


DonovanMcLoughlin t1_iu4py4m wrote

This comment gets 20 down votes yet this is exactly what 99% of people do anytime wild shit happens. I call bullshit on the keyboard warriors.


actualhumanwaste t1_iu52fwr wrote

This is the standard advice on the NYC sub and I'm surprised it's downvoted here. Yeah I'm sure you have noble intentions when interventing but you never know who has a weapon and isn't afraid to use it the second they're given an excuse to.