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KenzoWap t1_ir0u8nv wrote

Did you see the z guys blowing each other when a drone drops a bomb on them?


Vague_Disclosure t1_ir0vzb8 wrote

I did, definitely wasn’t expecting that. Still think the wildest video was from Mariupol when the Russian tank got ammo racked and you could see the commanders body fly at least 30 feet in the air. The videos coming out of this conflict are something else. Honestly makes me even more anti-war than I already was.

Also interesting to watch the progression of how the UA fight, the videos from the beginning of the conflict are very different from the ones now. After receiving months of western training and NATO equipment. For an even more drastic difference you can check out videos from when the conflict started in 2014. In some videos the only reason you immediately know they aren’t American is because they aren’t in a desert.


baldude69 t1_ir1nd4j wrote

Their camo pattern is quite different as well, but that will be less obvious to the casual observer


baldude69 t1_ir1mvty wrote

That’s a crazy one. Sadly I’ve also been reading about how rape is an integral part of Russias military machine, so part of me is sad that it was maybe a conscript being raped by his superior officer