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colourcodedcandy t1_ir1rqve wrote

While I understand and agree with your point, college students graduate and go where their friends go. And sadly the bay area, chicago, and nyc have been made into hubs for students to move to for various reasons and philly just doesn’t have the same appeal. A lot of this is based on perception and I always say philly has a lot of potential but needs a lot of good marketing/propaganda to hype it up (tbh I would live here though I’m not sure I would raise a child here - “gritty” is not appealing)


uptimefordays t1_ir21cs4 wrote

Plenty of Temple alums stick around. I’d also point out SF isn’t exactly a paradise right now, they just recalled their DA over crime. SF and NYC are also vastly more expensive than Philly, if you can afford either—you could live anywhere in Philly and send your kids to Friends Select, Haverford, etc.

I think it comes down for what parents want/expect for their children. If having that suburban experience of total safety and impunity is important, raising children in a city or rural area probably won’t cut it.