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thirst_annihilator t1_istxqee wrote

i was told this was all krasners fault


NonIdentifiableUser t1_isu5ehx wrote

400 comments on the other thread about Wawa and relative silence on this one, so yeah. Krasner is a problem but if anyone thinks this is all at his feet, you’re ignoring a huge part of the problem


themoneybadger t1_isufw00 wrote

I think most sane people realize that both the PPD and the DAO are completely incompetent. They are the two halves of our criminal justice system and the fact that they don't even try to work together shoes how much they actually care about the people of Philadelphia.


Scumandvillany t1_isvw5g5 wrote

I have always been as critical of the police as of Krasner. Probably even more so of the police. their incompetence is deep and institutional. At least krasner is semi open about who he is, though I vehemently disagree with his operational decisions, but not so much what he ran on(focusing on violent crime vs nonviolent crime). Though I will admit that it does seem that completely abandoning minor crimes seems to have not been the right move.


_token_black t1_isyex6e wrote

They're all too busy going through any other PPD topic and downvoting the comments they don't like. There's not much to add here that wouldn't expose their bias.


redjonley t1_isu4mnq wrote

Krasner has to stop running around the EMS dispatch office unplugging everyone's workstations. Everybody has an office prankster smh. /s because I guess that's needed.


Scumandvillany t1_isue1kp wrote

it's the whole team


thirst_annihilator t1_isufs7m wrote

the whole damn team!

seriously though philadelphia might be able to unite behind the idea that both krasner AND the police suck at their jobs.


willashman t1_isuwbl5 wrote

I think most people don't like Outlaw. This report shows she doesn't know how to run anything, and should be fired.

But Krasner is not any more innocent in his poor leadership of the DAO just because Outlaw is a moron.


ipissexcellence21 t1_isxorc4 wrote

I don’t think anyone thinks it’s all his fault, he is a huge part of it though.
