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Fly__Eagles__Fly t1_it0jppx wrote

I got laid off right around when PokemonGo came out. I used to fill a water bottle with wine, sit in a hammock at Spruce St Park and catch pokemon for a few hours every afternoon. Thought about what was next. Really enjoyed those times.


MyBoener t1_it0ye99 wrote

This is so nostalgic to me. I was a student that summer and spent many hours just lounging in the shade catching Pokemons until my battery runs out. Good times


Lubbles t1_it3t4rb wrote

Why can everyone american so vividly remember the initial onset of pokemongo??? How can we as a nation recapture that magic


pasnow t1_it0i70o wrote

Party it up watching the Philies.

Walk the Wissahickon trail/Forbidden Drive.

Do a night or two in AC. Hard Rock is dope!


dumpsterfire11111 t1_it0jie2 wrote

This 100%. The crick is amazing this time of year with the temp and leaves turning colors.


Snowologist t1_it18amq wrote

Directions for devils pool:

Park at the valley green inn. Walk across the bridge. turn right, one trail goes up, one trail goes down. Take the down one. Stay to the right you’ll eventually come to a massive rock, walk over the top, then you’ll see a rope swing area on the right. Keep walking left on the ridge. It leads to devils pool. Probably 20 min walk to this point. Lots of scenic trails stem off from that spot. get on top of the cliffs! Bonus points if you bring a hammock and set up a spot on top of the highest rock. There isn’t a bad angle.


pasnow t1_it22ozw wrote

You telling me?? I used to go there as a 17 year old to drink beer & smoke weed with friends back in '89.

Memories come back when hearing Kid Rocks 'All Summer Long'.


Snowologist t1_it23hjf wrote

just wanted to share for those curious, shoulda noted that.


MacKelvey t1_iszykh8 wrote

There are a lot of museums in the city. I’d imagine that mid day during a work week they’d be pretty empty.


soapy_rocks t1_it0r474 wrote



stinkertonpinkerton t1_it29cgh wrote

In high school my friends decided to take acid and got to the mutter museum. My one friend threw up in the bathroom after like 5 minutes then they all left.


puckpanix t1_it0r9vx wrote

The zoo too! I recently went on a weekday early afternoon and practically had the place to myself.


jphistory t1_it1wflc wrote

Pro tip from someone in the know:

*early afternoon and later

*earlier in the week

School field trips almost always come in the AM and leave by 1:30 or so, and they like later in the week. If you come on a Monday, the world is likely your oyster.


southwest40x4 t1_it0igk9 wrote

Free @ noon mini concerts, Fridays at WXPN/World Cafe Live.


Oh_Who_Cares_ffs t1_it0kx9x wrote

File for unemployment. Then do something else to get your mind off things.


TheBSQ t1_it3bxvz wrote

My wife got laid off and she’s had a very very very frustrating time with PA’s unemployment system.


nash4prez t1_it3omtb wrote

Call! You’ll be on hold for 3+ hours but it’ll be done after you get a hold of someone. Put phone on speaker and just chill till someone answers .


_ShakenNotStirred t1_it3qlht wrote

Holy shit, I was laid off a few months back, and I filed until I found a job. They still owe me the 12 weeks I filed for. It still shows as "in progress". No known issues with my application either.


LurkersWillLurk t1_it495d4 wrote

Contact your state representative’s office and ask if they can help you


kookadelphia t1_it0bccu wrote

Rare books dept at the main beach of the public library.


kcvngs76131 t1_it15qin wrote

In a similar vein, the Rosenbach museum. They partner with the public library to display a lot of cool stuff that isn't in their main collection, which is itself incredible


Jolly_Conflict t1_it16z0p wrote

Thank you for sharing this museum! I just googled it- I find this absolutely fascinating. Can’t believe I didn’t know it existed.


kcvngs76131 t1_it20chk wrote

I discovered it years ago, and it's become my favourite museum in the city. They do so many fun activities through the year, but by far, my favourite is Burns Night.


or_din_ar_y_guy t1_it2fpfw wrote

Heck even going to the library at all is next to impossible if you work 9-5


samcoffeeman t1_it0fgto wrote

Do what the locals do, ride a loud illegal vehicle through the streets then shoplift a Wawa


noldyp t1_it0c007 wrote

Wake n bake


_Sebaceous_cyst t1_it0dddp wrote

I second this but not between jobs.


MonsterNog t1_it0gek0 wrote

I’d say especially in between jobs but you drive the bus not me


_Sebaceous_cyst t1_it0hymk wrote

Nah, I don’t drive a bus. Hear they have great benefits but I like to smoke too much so.


hilwil t1_it0loe5 wrote

Volunteer at MANNA, PAWS, or many of the other great nonprofits in center city. I did this a while back while between jobs and it was great. I got out of the house, met some awesome people, and felt accomplished while going through the frustration of a job search.


_SundaeDriver t1_it0as9s wrote

I gotta start reading the whole title before I start thinking of a response. I was about to congratulate you. Off, changes the whole meaning of the title


mJawnp t1_it0qlrc wrote

Go to an early movie on a week day.

Life changing.


Kola666 t1_it2c9w7 wrote

I love the ritz east on a weekday off. They’re still doing $7 tickets on Tuesday’s !


mJawnp t1_it2d3zp wrote

That’s awesome!!

It’s a real treat to have very few people in line, in the theater, and you have the whole day to hangout after.

Very relaxing and very underrated!!!


SillyHatMatt t1_iszwvwu wrote

One of my favorite things when I’ve got time between jobs is riding my bike out to a park I don’t get to too often. Try a new place to eat, have an early drink while reading a book, definitely have that ice cream cone while you’re hanging out on the bench


ForgotMyOldJawnSry t1_it057yi wrote

Take a bike ride on the river trail… I’ve since moved out of the city I can’t attest to how crowded it is now, but when I was a student there was a significant difference between mid day and after hours


Dent7777 t1_it20za8 wrote

Still a huge difference. 8am to 10am is night and day.


ForgotMyOldJawnSry t1_it2lnl9 wrote

Yeah I remember that too. Not to mention, is it prime leaf peepin’ season there right now ?


Dent7777 t1_it3jc31 wrote

Just about, next month or so is the best. It's not quite peak yet.


spleen79 t1_it0xm4u wrote

Fall camping. The colors are insane now. Campfire with a hot cup of coffee. Just make sure you have a warm sleeping bag and insulated pad.


joeltheprocess76 t1_it0gq84 wrote

Grab a outdoor table at Parc and enjoy a cup of coffee and croissant while seeing all of us have to go to our jobs. Or better yet / grab a table at Sampan for happy hour which starts at 4pm!


quixoteland t1_it0m9y0 wrote

I just signed up for a free six-lesson course on cartography through the Wagner, and years ago, I went to a free lecture about Albert Barnes and virology at the Mutter Museum. I'd check around; there might be similar free or low cost things cooking that will allow you to learn and meet people.


always_plotting t1_it0wi61 wrote

While not in the same situation, I have over 200 hours of vacation time that I have to use by December 31 or I lose it so I am taking it in 2 week stretches in October, November, and December. I go to the movies at least once a week during the day. There is also something for running errands during the workweek, the other day I went to Trader Joe's and it wasn't packed.

Some other things I keep busy, I did cooking for a month with freezable soups, chili, and stews. I volunteer to pick up my friend's kids from school or chaffeur them to various activities to give my friends a break, they also keep me in check, lol. I also have a lot of house projects.


empathicqubit t1_it1t15v wrote

Dein check?


always_plotting t1_it2rdxu wrote

Fixed! Kids are brutal and they tell me about myself. The other day, I told them that I was going shopping after dropping them off and the one asked if I was spending his inheritance.


thecoffeecake1 t1_it12kcd wrote

You can actually sit and hang in a cafe, since all the good ones in philly inexplicably close by 3.


Leviathant t1_it08jpa wrote

Fireman's Museum is free and tends to only be open during business hours.


drunkdad_ t1_it0leju wrote

Lot of good suggestions already, but honestly a great approach would be to do the things you already enjoy doing around the city but on weekdays 9-5.

A few years ago at my old jobs my weekend used to be Monday and Tuesday, and it sucked socially but sometimes I miss having no crowds when I went to museums, bars, bookstores, coffee shops, etc.


JawnLegend t1_it0uhnh wrote

Reading Terminal Market during work hours is an experience


CthulhusIntern t1_it157a7 wrote

Reading Terminal Market is best during the 9-5 hours.


buddhadoo t1_it0l1v0 wrote

When I was let go from my job I did a lot of hiking in Fairmount. Mostly the Wissahickin trails, but the Belmont area trails are pretty dope too. John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge is really nice too. I also played disc golf regularly at Sedgley Woods. It was nice to get out of the house especially in the colder months, and the best part was they're all free, except for the gas to drive to each.


ScottishCalvin t1_it0v0k4 wrote

  • Buy a guitar at a pawn shop and learn to actually play it
  • Read a proper book like a Shakespeare play or War & Peace
  • Use a 30d trial educational subscription to get a new skill up to expert level
  • Write a book/Screenplay
  • Start walking 10-15 miles per day and drop 30lb

sedatedsloth t1_it0vqlp wrote

leave the city lol septa will take you to some gorgeous places. check out ridley creek state park in media


8Draw t1_it16ghy wrote

This is probably the most free time you'll ever have on your hands in your adult life. If there was ever a hustle or career move you didn't have time to make before, now's the time.


Shadow1787 t1_it0lk5e wrote

When I was unemployed for three months I went around the city visiting museums, art, walking around places, renting a bike and looking at the architecture was pretty cheap. If you like aquariums visit that the zoo.


lawgirl3278 t1_it0tp3i wrote

Go to a bar where the the restaurant industry people go on a weeknight. I went to Townsend on Passyunk late on a Tuesday (before Covid) and I had a blast.


hoagiebreath t1_it0v3v3 wrote

Rays Happy Birthday Bar at 10am.


Mikeyg358 t1_it1rmsi wrote

Hang on a stoop , smoke crack and drink old e 40s all day !


thebemusedmuse t1_it1zpvc wrote

Go to Jim Thorpe, take the bike bus up to White Haven and cycle back down the river. The colors in fall are life changing.


birdbirdbird2000 t1_it0h7iy wrote

There are some many cool stores/food places around the city. Whenever I have some free time, I look for a food place and some sort of store I want to check out and then walk there and explore the neighborhood a bit while I’m there.


Gnarcis t1_it0zhfh wrote

We used to go to Sedgley Park and play disc golf with some beers. Always fun and dog friendly. Probably looks real nice right about now too.


mikebailey t1_it10cuc wrote

Beer tour along the SEPTA regional line into PA ending at Victory HQ. Day pass on the train. Not cheap but neither are half these comments.


BernieDromax t1_it11sfc wrote

thats a cool idea! which breweries walkable from the train stops, if you'd be kind enough to share


mikebailey t1_it13web wrote

I haven’t been able to do this due to not having a Thursday off but I have a prospective map based mostly on friend opinions when I do and I’ll try to link that here tomorrow AM


BernieDromax t1_it1552j wrote

That'd be awesome, thanks. I can only really think of 1


mikebailey t1_it39w3d wrote

I made it in Google My Maps and my company banned Google My Maps so we're limited on sharing.

Tired Hands Fermentaria along Ardmore, La Cabra is a stop later in Bryn Mawr (10min walk from the station), Teresa's Next Door is just a bar in Wayne but it seems worth getting drunk in, I also had tin lizard around there under consideration but they seem gone gone. Then it gets bar-y/pub-y until Downington. A big reason I never did it was because the Downington stop doesn't actually seem close to the Downington HQ brewery.


BernieDromax t1_it8ft57 wrote

Sweet! Thanks a bunch, appreciate you coming back to share


Junior_Jackfruit t1_it26f1w wrote

Day trips to the poconos, the shore, or maybe a longer trip to Boston, or Shenandoah natl park.


erice3r t1_it1rf1m wrote

Get high on weed and go to the Reading Terminal Market!


brilliantpants t1_it1vgl0 wrote

Just get out there and walk. Taking a couple weeks off from work and just wandering around Philadelphia every day sounds heavenly. If you can afford it, take yourself out to min h at a new place a few times a week. Walk down streets you never have, visit tourist locations. Enjoy!


Ipollute t1_it1x19v wrote

Dunno if they still do but you used to be able to go up to the top of city hall tower.


shelf_satisfied t1_it21ppw wrote

Take advantage of that free avocado giveaway thing down at FDR Park.


indoninjah t1_it2ahkf wrote

If you’ve got a bike you can take that thing down Kelly Drive all the way to Valley Forge. If you’ve got nothing to do, I would pack a lunch and some water, and spend like 4-5 hours doing the full stretch


RexxAppeal t1_it4esav wrote

All the lunch places that close at 3.


HRobbie t1_it1nfvd wrote

Nothing to add but congrats on getting laid


RustedRelics t1_it2dlxf wrote

Today: apply for unemployment, update your resume. Tonight: go see Calexico at Brooklyn Bowl. Tomorrow: sleep in.


PHLBCN t1_it2gage wrote

This was me not long ago. I love to go to Rittenhouse Sq (or literally any park) and just sit on the bench for an hour at 12PM. Sounds boring, but it’s awesome.


Lubbles t1_it3sy80 wrote

Go to a kensington bar and listen to bruce springsteen and enjoy your life allowing you to wallow in such an revered cliche


prlugo4162 t1_it3usqj wrote

I'm fairly certain I could make a decent living playing my guitar on a hammock in that hammock park y'all have.


Bartleby_TheScrivene t1_it2bphx wrote

Look for a job. There's tons hiring. My work is hiring night shift positions starting at around $24/hr no college necessary.


Johnnyappleseed84 t1_it219kb wrote

Fentanyl? Although it’s also a full time job with no days off
