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fkdkshufidsgdsk t1_irqx88v wrote

Dim sum garden


dreexel_dragoon t1_irqytzq wrote

Don't even order entrees, just pull up with a bottle of something you like and continue eating soup dumplings until you can't eat anymore


Series_G t1_irqzl8z wrote

drexel_dragoon has this correct. This is the way.


PhillyPanda t1_irr0seo wrote

Note that they have a bar now so while you can byob, they have a $15 corkage fee


dreexel_dragoon t1_irr11jm wrote

Which means they're BYOB, but you just gotta pay $15


William_d7 t1_irr3542 wrote

They used to be BYOB only but apparently had to many college kids coming in getting shitfaced so they have a liquor license now.


dreexel_dragoon t1_irr8zbf wrote

I was one of those college kids; my fraternity brothers and I would go there with like 12 people and 3 cases of beer and eat dumplings while getting trashed for hours.

Granted, we knew we were the worst so we'd leave a 50% tip lol


ForgotMyOldJawnSry t1_iruh68i wrote

Wow bruh college sounds rad when your parents can afford a 60k a year instate tuition !


dreexel_dragoon t1_irwlpvc wrote

  1. Drexel's a private university there's no in state vs out of state

  2. it doesn't cost 60k a year, it costs $16-18k a quarter in tuition, and you only have 12 quarters to pay for over a 5 year program putting the base tuition cost around 200k without financial aid

  3. everyone gets substantial financial aid at Drexel; I got 50% off tuition, so that leaves $100k in tuition

  4. Drexel students get 3 coops in a 5 year program, and I earned an avg $20k each coop, which leaves $40k

  5. FAFSA loans account for a little over $6k a year, and over 5 years I got $31k in FAFSA loans leaving $9 in tuition

  6. I worked as a barback for 3 summers, earning $6k avg each summer covering for total $18k

So I graduated with a net +9k after my time at Drexel, and had paid my parents back completely before I even graduated. But sure, go ahead and tell me about how privileged I am because I liked to have fun with my friends every now and then.


BMXBikr OP t1_itvmuk3 wrote

Idk why you're downvoted. You seemed to be just explaining in case I was new to this term. Thank you


dreexel_dragoon t1_itvnpwq wrote

Np, and I think it's because I mentioned in this thread how I use to roll up with my fraternity brothers and lots of beer and we'd get trashed while eating soup dumplings until we couldn't.

We were dickheads, but it was worth it and we always tipped well lol


BMXBikr OP t1_itvo2wr wrote

As long as you weren't too bad, sounds like a great time 😅


dreexel_dragoon t1_itvogwr wrote

Lol we were just a little loud, but nothing egregious enough to come close to being kicked out. Like I said, we always tipped extra to make up for the bigger mess we made from all the cans haha

Definitely some of my better memories


beancounter2885 t1_irqyl6f wrote

This is the answer. Tom's is good, too, but dim sum garden is the best.