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tclumsypandaz t1_ir6tq2j wrote

Go to the Magic Gardens, and if you get a chance you can stop at Tattooed Moms on the way out. Perfect little edgy artsy preview of Philadelphia. The Magic Gardens is an art exhibit that started as one guy's backyard art project and grew and grew and grew until he turned it into a lil public exhibit. He lives up the street and regularly hangs out at the exhibit just 'cause. You can find his artwork all over the city.

Tattooed Mom's is a bar that is nearby that perfectly captures the Philadelphia vibe & spirit in my opinion. Casual, a little bit of an edge, but great food, really good drinks, endless interesting graffiti on the wall, and chill friendly crowd. The bar is a place that supports artists and is almost in itself a community activist.

If you like traveling Bourdain style you will love philly, and I highly recommend a return. This city makes a point in celebrating the nonpretentious, casual local gems & that's one of my favorite things about it! You'll walk by a snazzy fancy restaurant and find out the famous chef actually owns the dollar taco joint next door instead.