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BabaBrody t1_ir7xjrs wrote

I remember in the early 2000s, my friend thought his car was stolen for 2 months...turns out he got drunk and forgot he parked it the Acme lot. Finally found it while parking his new car in the Acme lot...nothing on it but dust.


Peemster99 OP t1_ir868oe wrote

That is the True South Philly that I know and love.


RacerguyZ t1_ir8icj3 wrote

Ugh man i have a friend like this. This hasnt happened in many years. The next morning he would usually call me so we could go driving around looking for his car. Usually it was within a 1/3 square mile of his house but once i remember he was a mile + away....


Forkiks t1_ir850a7 wrote

Here’s a couple older posts about this…looks like it’s ok till 7am (?) didn’t move your car the whole weekend?


TooManyDraculas t1_irancpv wrote

They'll usually put a note on your car before they ticket. They only seem to care about over night parking, in the main part of the parking lot. And they seem to be trying to figure out repeat offenders. IIRC the flyer says they'll ticket if the car is still there after 6am.

I've gotten the flyer twice, don't know anyone who's actually been ticketed.


Peemster99 OP t1_ir866r6 wrote

> you didn’t move your car the whole weekend?

Ha, no-- though I've definitely done that and gotten away with it in the past! It was midnight to 10 AM, though, and it looks like I can't get away with that anymore.


TooManyDraculas t1_iraor0u wrote

I think it's less new neighbors than tourists and visitors from the rest of the city. During the last Eagles game there was practically no open parking around the neighborhood. And people illegally parked all over. Even the Acme lot was pretty full.

But the neighborhood was a ghost town. I run one of the bars in the area. Bars and restaurants were all dead. No one walking around. Even neighbors and regulars were scarce. What business we had were folks from the burbs in sportsball jerseys.

My coworkers suspect people are parking along the ave to avoid paying at the stadium. And I've definitely seen "park at the Acme on Passyunk and walk/hop on the subway" advice pop up on this sub a lot.


typeytypetype t1_irarq2a wrote

Agreed. Since the football season started the lot has been absolutely packed on weekends. The cheese steak vegas to stadium crowd clearly got the memo about parking there.


TooManyDraculas t1_irauc6e wrote

I've seen "park at the Acme in Passyunk and take the Subway" offered as advice for out of towners asking where to park near Reading Terminal. Practically anything along the Subway or walking distance from the hood really.

Not neccisarily just on innernets either. Regularly over hear people giving that advice at the bar.

Most of it's definitely coming from the Sports Complex, but it's almost like a meme.


CerealJello t1_iravbhw wrote

Occasionally they'll go through a period where they leave notes on all the cars parked there when they open in the morning. They'll do that for about a week then start ticketing if any cars are in the lot when they open. It's sporadically enforced from what I can tell.