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swsquid t1_itz3oty wrote

It's almost Nov. We need jackets. They come off in March

No matter the weather


Ng3me t1_itz42ei wrote

I don’t know. It’s like 40 degrees in the morning when you leave the house so you need a coat then it gets warmer later and maybe you're a little over dressed. The last couple of days have been especially “in between”. That’s fall weather, right?


chase1724 t1_itz4dfg wrote

It's the in-between temps right now. We're still used to the hot summer temps. Come spring time when it's in the high 50s to 60s you'll see people wearing shorts/jeans and t shirts because we are used to the cold winter weather. Body adjusts to the seasons.


GreenEyesClementine t1_itz4dmv wrote

It’s sweater weather, and layers help with the highs and lows throughout the day.


TheAdamist t1_itz509y wrote

Its colder in the mornings now and some of us have to get to work at a reasonable time.


Purple_Routine1297 t1_itz7sw0 wrote

Hoodies aren’t “winter attire”. Winter attire for us is heavy coats, scarfs, hats, etc. It’s fall here. So it’s cold in the mornings, and it warms up at the day goes on, but starts to cool down again around 5pm as the season goes on. Which is why we wear a hoodie, we take it off once it warms up a bit.


sailbag36 t1_itzbd1m wrote

Because they want to. Why do you care so much?


PhillyPanda t1_itzc24s wrote

It’s good to layer. Temps can be cold in the morning and drop at night so if you’re out for the day, options are good. I almost always have a tank top, cardigan/sweater and jacket on/with me bc different places have different heating/ac


LFKhael t1_itzca5s wrote

As opposed to mornings being colder, one of the other things that happens regularly enough here is that the temps can drop when the sun goes down.

Shaving 5-10F within an hour or two of sundown isn't uncommon from now until Feb-March. It's one of the things the surprised me when I moved up here.