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GreenAnder t1_itzdj34 wrote

So they can't just evict you. Eviction is a lengthy and expensive process, but if you're worried about any of this you absolutely should get an attorney involved.

Think of if like this. If you had a broken leg and were worried about how to treat it people here would tell you to go to a doctor. If you had an issue with the electrics in your house you'd call an electrician. Lawyers are professionals, and only one who has a chance to listen to your situation is going to be able to give you real advice. It will also help to get them involved now so that if this does go to court you're not playing catch up.


rosecolured OP t1_iu0bdfu wrote

Thank you for this!

As the end of the month is approaching and I have to get an escrow account set up, I was worried about having to find an attorney last minute. But what you said about eviction being a long process makes sense. This is my first apartment on my own so I was really worried I would be out on the streets or something within the next few weeks. I would assume, though, if they evict me I would have time to find a lawyer of some sort. I think I will be sending a letter saying I’ll be withholding rent today and should they respond in any way that’s retaliation I’ll give a call to the Philly tenant hotline, which gives free legal advice and such. Thanks again!