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trashtrucktoot t1_iug6umc wrote

Nov 6 , high noon, peir by Walmart. Do attend.


kflan138 t1_iugjz86 wrote

I was gonna say. I have November 6th down as the not-a-party festivities. Festivity?


Fattom23 t1_iug7dtz wrote

I didn't. The flyer said he kind of does that a lot; I'll catch one of the other showings.


Ld862 t1_iugbd89 wrote

Nope - the flyer clearly specified it was not a party 😂


bontakun82 t1_iugerko wrote

I'm gonna bring a speaker and play nothing but sandstorm on repeat to make it a party.


Extreme_Succotash784 t1_iugisxw wrote

I’m fully invested in this endeavor. Someone must attend and report back to us.


H00die5zn t1_iuhobex wrote

Someone? We are all going. Note: this is NOT a party


Extreme_Succotash784 t1_iuhwoyz wrote

Look out chicken man. Everyone on r/Philadelphia is coming to ur nonparty! I feel like it should be posted on the Philly food subreddit to ensure maximum turnout.


forgettablewords t1_iui7ph7 wrote

Well, they blew up the Chicken Man in Philly last night/Now they blew up his house too.


Significant-Heat9737 t1_iuglosy wrote

Upload pics and vid too. This guy is the hero we need


porkchameleon t1_iuhqkvw wrote

If you need a hero, and that’s the hero that you need - please, don’t speak for all of us.


Alex_A3nes t1_iui3wqe wrote

You didn’t attend the furnace party with our last hero and it shows.


porkchameleon t1_iui8ia1 wrote

I avoid meeting my heroes, but you do you, boo.


Alex_A3nes t1_iujr4pv wrote

Oh sweet summer child. All the food you’ve ate since first grade is alive inside of you and you don’t even know.


Sunset_Bleu t1_iuivr58 wrote

Do me a favor. Reach down below and pull that stick out of your ass


porkchameleon t1_iuizeiu wrote

Do me a favor and don't tell me how to enjoy myself, mmmkay?


RoverTheMonster t1_iuhw77o wrote

How do we ALL of the news stations there to 1) force him to do it publicly and 2) accomplish something for us all as Philadelphians to be forever proud of


SpaceCakeHenry t1_iugfyev wrote

I still don’t know what abandoned Walmart he’s talking about.


TwoWilburs OP t1_iuggmt7 wrote

I think he means the piers along the Delaware. There’s a path (basically a sidewalk connecting parking lots and vacant lots) and I assume that’s where the non-party is. The empty pier nearest the Walmart. Early Covid, when everyone decided to go for walks, I went down there once or twice.


uptown_gargoyle t1_iuhjlcl wrote

It's an abandoned pier near Walmart, not an abandoned Walmart


SpaceCakeHenry t1_iui241a wrote

😂 🤦‍♂️

Can’t believe they ever let me out of high school.