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Junior_Jackfruit t1_itl9vyk wrote

Oh now the PPD wants to do their jobs


MonsterNog t1_itlcfxa wrote

Look at them holding bikes like they ride them


skimbosh t1_itlqsly wrote

I know the image is somewhat blurry if you zoom in, but really, a large percentage of them look less threatening than when the English teacher had to sub for the Phys Ed one in grade school.


saintofhate t1_itlwrjz wrote

I'm laughing at the one that the bike is almost as tall as, looking as threatening as Zelda Rubinstein there.


crispydukes t1_itlro46 wrote

Oh, they DO ride them, but they break laws while doing it.


WillemPenn t1_itp7j71 wrote

Well, when the cops do it, that means that it is not illegal.


ForkBombGoBoom t1_itlrfvg wrote

They could do this on Kensington Ave any day, or even every day...


ramvan t1_itlycqc wrote

If there’s a baseball riot (really? Over baseball?), they’ll get to crack some heads, beat up some kids. Of course PPD wants to do their jobs now.


JesusOfBeer t1_itn5bo7 wrote

Nah, they won't care... now if they were being protested against for police brutality, you bet they'd be kettle belling em'


BernieDromax t1_itssyti wrote

lol be serious. that was a "riot" ? 🤔 how much $ in damages occurred?


BernieDromax t1_ito6t90 wrote

lol you must live in the burbs. This is standard protocol for every post game party on broad st after a big win. Anything goes for a 2-3hrs afterwards then the police line up and clear everyone out to safely open Broad st up again. Think they just gonna let the drunks play in the street til sunrise? 😂 Same as it ever was

...was also pretty lame even at it's peak around 7'ish. Everyone rushed to city hall and stood around waiting for someone to climb a pole for a minute or two. Had a pretty neat dance circle going in front of the Ritz tho, lol

Be hard to top Broad St right after the Eagles won the SB. Never seen so many people "ghost ridin their whip"


Hib3rnian t1_itljjgo wrote

Won't shut down packs of ATVs, hordes of teens vandalizing, street tackovers ripping up intersections or boom car parties but citizens celebrating a trip to the world series is game on!? Get da Fuck outta here with that shit!! 😠


JesusOfBeer t1_itn5gj1 wrote

LOL, they weren't gonna do anything... most of the celebrators are prolly from Delco screaming for Krasner's head.

They only beat those who protest police brutality


callalind t1_ito81ik wrote

Oh give em a break...only two arrests all night....we got off easy.


SynSynn t1_itmdgqs wrote

Yeah because last time I checked ATVs don’t cause damage and destroy light poles


reedworking t1_itmlfa9 wrote

I’m gonna tell my kids this is Captain America vs thanos’ army


JIMMYJAWN t1_itmnv28 wrote

But I'm not the guy you're taking home, ooh

I keep limping on my own


symitwo t1_itljog1 wrote

Fuck them pigs, fuck the Astros, fuck the Braves, fuck the Mets


Gram-GramAndShabadoo t1_itluzi2 wrote

Fuck a papa doc, fuck a clock, fuck a trailer, fuck everybody Fuck y'all if you doubt me.


SeesThroughTime t1_itmhuok wrote

THOSE COPS CRASHED INTO ME ON THE 4th of July shooting at the Art Museum. I was biking away from the stairs and a cop on a bike came flying into me and wiped me out. He cursed me out and kept riding. Fuck him.


94bronco t1_itn0axk wrote

What did Cricket do?


vasquca1 t1_itmf3xx wrote

One does not easily take down Ivar the Boneless


vasquca1 t1_itmfedg wrote

Cone + Crutches Guy vs Police. This is gonna be good.


gotboredwithrest t1_ito3x7t wrote

Is that dude on the right in the teal with no helmet just a random bike rider they deputized?


Glystopher t1_itmm99u wrote

That’ll be me pretty soon. Hardware in both ankles from a car hitting me on the sidewalk outside the Wawa at 38th and Spruce.


Owlbertowlbert t1_itpoeax wrote

it's getting really scary to be a pedestrian in this fuckin city. sorry this happened to you. terrifying.


bhops24 t1_itnwxmf wrote

Or.... hear me out. Hes on crutches, so he's slower to get out of the way.


Sparkpulse t1_itoo4cr wrote

Okay, but can we talk about William Penn's apparent laser eyes? I zoomed in from the top and that got me!


Shrewlord t1_itn0t6f wrote

The banner in the top left is as close to a championship as the flyers will get this season.