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blandstick t1_ix5lt5c wrote


Little_Noodles t1_ix5mhnn wrote

Honestly, I don’t care about my paint. I have a very utilitarian view re: cars.

Like, I take very good care of the guts of my super high mileage car, and will keep on it until that’s no longer an option.

But my car is a tool I wish I didn’t need. It is … not new. And I don’t actually care that much about what it looks like at this point, so long as it can safely carry me back and forth to the locations it needs to get to.

During the everything shortages of the pandemic years, my windshield cracked the fuck in half during a storm or something and it only passed inspection that year because it wasn’t possible to fix it.

I had to buy a new windshield this year, and I’m a little salty about it. As long as it’s gets me where I need to go, idgaf. And I kind of felt like a worn paint job and a busted windshield was good carjacking/panhandling/catalytic converter insurance.

That said, my catalytic converter is actually fucked. I have good insurance and I’m a little salty the dicks that keep hitting my block know the score.

To circle back though, my solution mostly doesn’t actually touch the paint. I’m short, so it’s how I clear off the top layers of bullshit.


CharlieTheK t1_ix6m1g4 wrote

I drive a car that has seen better days and everytime I replace a windshield or need new brakes I multiply the ballpark monthly payment of a new car by 12 and remember that driving a good vehicle that isn't pretty and has good insurance rates is a better deal.

Plus it's kind of nice to be able to fuck around, drive off-road, etc and not really care what the outcome is.


Little_Noodles t1_ix6pini wrote

Yeah, 1000%. I make a medium level effort to not fuck it up unnecessarily.

But I have a lot of genuine responsibilities in my life, where the stakes of fucking up are way higher than brush strokes on a well maintained but street parked 10 year old car.

On days where I can barely maintain any of it, I know where to focus my priorities. And it’s not the paint job of a tool I’d ditch in a heartbeat if I could get away with it.


Wu-Tang_Killa_Bees t1_ix8lq0w wrote

> That said, my catalytic converter is actually fucked. I have good insurance and I’m a little salty the dicks that keep hitting my block know the score.

Just steal your own / have a friend steal it