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Prestigious-Owl-6397 t1_ix5my0e wrote

This is one advantage bikes have over cars. I don't have to dig my bike out. However, I imagine the bike paths and trails aren't plowed or salted well.


AbsentEmpire t1_ix5roft wrote

>I imagine the bike paths and trails aren't plowed or salted well.

They aren't plowed or salted at all, and most of the bike lanes on the street by default have all snow plowed into them.


Little_Noodles t1_ix6dfq0 wrote

Yeah. There’s MANY opportunities to be legitimately smug about biking vs driving in the city. This is not one of them.


Prestigious-Owl-6397 t1_ix5uugt wrote

I live just outside the city, and this will be my first year winter bike commuting on trails because last year I worked literally down the street from my home. I'm not looking forward to seeing how icy the trails get.


courageous_liquid t1_ix6cm1o wrote

You might wanna try walking or some other mode. It'll be absolutely dicey by biking, at best.


Prestigious-Owl-6397 t1_ix6ep4i wrote

I can't walk from Souderton to Lansdale, and I don't drive. I might have to avoid the trails and stick to the main roads but use winter tires.


Squadooch t1_ix6spym wrote

Yikes. That sounds really dangerous. I know lansdale has a train station, nothing in souderton I guess?


Prestigious-Owl-6397 t1_ix6thxo wrote

There's a bus that goes to Lansdale, but it drops you off 2 miles from my work, which is off roads with no sidewalks.


Wu-Tang_Killa_Bees t1_ix8m57o wrote

Oof this could be a rough winter for you my friend. They barely plow or salt roads at all when it snows. Is it possible to discuss WFH with your job?


Trailmix88 t1_ixjbtjb wrote

Studded tires & you'll be fine. I think Nokian makes them for fat bikes? They are pricey but the ice is what will send your hip to it's death at lightning pace. The studs bite in and keep you upright.


brilliantpants t1_ix6654v wrote

The only thing worse than riding a bike in Philly on a regular day is trying to ride a bike in Philly after a big snow.


Odd-Emergency5839 t1_ix6lm0t wrote

Philly is great to bike in. Particularly center city, and south Philly. More bike lanes would be nice but I legit pass cars all the time in south Philly. By far the fastest and most fun way to get around town.


jbphilly t1_ix7vjc7 wrote

Maybe if you have a fatbike with studded tires.

Biking is absolute suicide for about a week, give or take, after a major snowstorm. All the snow gets plowed into the bike lanes/sides of streets, so you're competing with cars for much-reduced lane space. And god help you if it re-freezes after plowing.