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ReturnedFromExile t1_iwtahqh wrote

Some very bad police officers were prosecuted and the FOP didn’t like that, so they all decided to not do their jobs and still collect their paychecks ( and tons of overtime ).


Chuck710Taylor t1_iwtc4ec wrote

I don't understand that blue wall of silence crap.


themeatbridge t1_iwtcvzs wrote

So, imagine you're in a gang, and you're getting away with literal murder, but you also have to occasionally do your job. Not because you'll get fired, but because society will begin to collapse if you don't.

Then someone comes along and says that some of you have to stop breaking some laws, like murder. You can still do pretty much whatever you want, you just can't kill people because they are poor and your gun works.

So you decide that if you can't literally murder people, you're going to stop doing your job altogether and let society collapse, because what's the point of having power in a functioning civilization if you can't abuse that power with impunity?


banjoleletinman t1_iwtdahv wrote

PPD likes to blame Krasner for their laziness but they've been worthless much longer than he has been DA.


[deleted] OP t1_iwtm1op wrote



TapTheForwardAssist t1_iwtxiqo wrote

A union is supposed to protect the workers from their bosses. A police union protects the workers from the public.

A restaurant workers union has your back when your boss tries to screw you out of overtime pay, not when you beat a customer unconscious with a serving tray.


XcheatcodeX t1_iwu9cd3 wrote

You can call it a union, it technically is, but it doesn’t operate like a normal union and it’s goals are different from a normal union.


themeatbridge t1_iwucxwf wrote

Yeah, the Electricians union makes sure old guys get cushy jobs and don't get fired if they slack off. The teachers union ensures old teachers can still teach even though the world of knowledge has left them behind.

Unions are, on the whole, a good way for workers to get and hold power, but they are abused and those abuses should not go unchecked.

But we're talking about the police here. We're talking about murders and rapists and violent assaults, and you're not sure if I'm talking about police stopping criminals or being criminals, are you? Public safety and trust in civilization is at stake, and the Philadelphia Police Department has failed us all.

Of course conservatives are going to want to deflect blame and make it about the scary unions coming to take all your EBITDA. Regardless of how you feel about workers' rights, it's irrelevant to this conversation.

The police are corrupt and cannot be trusted. That's where we are, and it's not going to be a comfortable fix.


ReturnedFromExile t1_iwtci7y wrote

I don’t understand that either since everywhere I’ve worked the good workers would really prefer that the bad workers were fired, or at least punished. Especially if their continued employment made my job harder or less safe. It’s a real morale killer.

But in the police force, it works differently.


respondstostupidity t1_iwtekgl wrote

Even the good workers in the police force are stirring the soup with their dicks.


[deleted] OP t1_iwtmlm0 wrote



ReturnedFromExile t1_iwu9ltw wrote

i agree with you about the culture, it’s terrible and i am sympathetic. the “ us vs them” thought overrides everything, to the point that someone trying to do the right thing is completely ostracized. The “right” thing to do in that environment is to keep your fucking mouth shut.


ReturnedFromExile t1_iwte3u9 wrote

the other reason is because a ridiculous number of police officers are abusing the disability system ( which they FOP also encourages and facilitates ). Ya see in a normal union world there is “ management “ and more importantly contractual recourse. But in the PPD everyone below the Deputy Commissioner are in the same “ union “. Sweet deal for them, accountable to basically no one but a couple of political appointees that will always be new or soon gone.

AND here’s the best part. The worse it gets the more money the PPD gets


[deleted] OP t1_iwtnt71 wrote



TapTheForwardAssist t1_iwtxml0 wrote

A put-upon Starbucks worker had nothing, a put-upon cop still has a gun and powers of arrest. That’s gotta take some of the sting out of being criticized.


respondstostupidity t1_iwtr587 wrote

They abuse their powers and you're over here clutching your pearls about how the public speaks out (rightfully so) about it. I shed no tears for them.

"Just take the abuse and be thankful!"


OnionBagMan t1_iwttha0 wrote

I mean it’s been three hours. How long is a person supposed to wait for this supposed protection.


dgauss t1_iwu7v45 wrote

There is a HUGE difference between the Police Union and Starbucks Union. To start, when the Starbuck Union shows up they are there to fight for pay and equity for the workers. When the Police Union shows up to the same protest, its to protect the business.

The Police Union have the weapons and the power and all they have shown is they care to protect themselves and those in power. They show no solidarity to the people and are widely recognized as not a real working class union.


ReturnedFromExile t1_iwuabje wrote

I don’t disagree with some of your points here but “be nice to us and and we will do better” is kind of silly. There’s a cause-and-effect thing here. It has to work the other way.


DigitalHemlock t1_iwtyjqr wrote

They are not coming. Go to the district and file a report.


thejohnnieguy t1_iwtmdfz wrote

Wife got into a wreck the other day, dispatch told them they would be over two hours to respond since no one was injured. What a joke.


notnobodyspecial t1_iwtb8q6 wrote

Something something somehow this is that dastardly Krasner's fault /s


bierdimpfe t1_iwtc2y9 wrote

The best time to exchange oxygen was when you made the call; the next best time to not hold your breath is right now.


Conalou2 t1_iwtr07c wrote

If you go to the ER, they’ll call the police. Then they’ll show up. If you go to Temple, they’re usually already there.

I hope you feel better. That’s a scary thing to go through.


nando420 t1_iwu7fw5 wrote

I have lived here since 2004. The cops have always been useless.


wtfisthisabout222 t1_iwtnx2n wrote

Jesus Christ. Not surprised by this at all. But what can we do? Serious request. How can we make it hurt the local lazy fucks who call themselves police? There must be something. I get why they are soft striking. I really do. But this is embarrassing and i think people need to get organized and put pressure on someone here


JennItalia269 t1_iwtdox2 wrote

I got into a wreck coming off 676 near the old hanneman hospital and was blocking a lane on vine st at 2pm and it took them over an hour to respond.


Ng3me t1_iwu63qe wrote

They are on strike! They used to not give a fuck about the people of Philadelphia but now they’re all hopped up on Fox News and they actively hate us.


88dj t1_iwu7a9r wrote

Don’t hold your breath.


Mister_Park t1_iwu9xaz wrote

Shout out to that one guy who was telling me on here that he called the cops just to “test” response time and they showed up in less than 10 mins. A very very true story, clearly.


squirrel_eatin_pizza t1_iwtecfm wrote

I called 911 in manayunk when i saw one college student beating the shit out of another. The dispatcher just asked if any weapons were used and said an officer was on the way. I stuck around for a good 15 minutes, which was long enough for the fight to be broken up and no officer ever showed up.


Crackorjackzors t1_iwtiw4n wrote

I've called the police before in this city and they didn't show up I had to go to the station to file a report


Business_Marketing76 t1_iwtxapa wrote

I had to call twice in one week because someone broke into my home. Someone I had hired to do some work unlocked my basement door from the inside. They responded immediately. I think if you're in immediate danger they're coming


[deleted] OP t1_iwucxzp wrote

Sorry OP, but they’ve got candy to crush


philadelphia-ModTeam t1_iwuajfs wrote

Rule 5: All crime or missing persons posts are required to have credible proof - like a news article or police report- in order to prevent harassment and doxxing.


marxistbot t1_iwwowjx wrote

Half the force is on a “soft strike” because they hate Krasner for ruining their gang by rooting out the most corrupt and making it harder to steal under the guise of civil forfeiture


erice3r t1_iwu8mk0 wrote

Yet they have enough time to smash my bong in Fairmount Park!


[deleted] OP t1_iwtmdkx wrote



CarlosDangerNRP t1_iwu1fyo wrote

If no one is injured in the accident they’re not coming. The city is far to busy and there’s far to little cops on the street to cover all the calls so they’re constantly placing low priority calls at the bottom. Despite what the eco chamber may think and say PPD is pretty damn busy on a daily basis. People always try to cite that they see cop cars just sitting at locations but they’re usually doing paperwork in their car from previous incidents. Reddit and the community at large really doesn’t understand how much paperwork is generated during incidents not even counting an arrest.


respondstostupidity t1_iwu2g70 wrote

> People always try to cite that they see cop cars just sitting at locations but they’re usually doing paperwork in their car from previous incidents.

Amazing how much paperwork they're doing at the Dunkin a block from the 26th, at the counter away from the cars. Same store that got robbed 3 times in one summer and nobody got caught. Ended up shutting down for months because nobody wanted to get robbed for working there.

Edit: And yes, if you were wondering, it's the same district that allowed these guys to go around and attack minorities. And for those that enjoy reading.

Edit 2: 7:15AM