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vodkaismywater t1_ivm4ito wrote

You have to wait in the jury pool the entire time. Bring something to entertain yourself, odds are you'll be there all day even if you're not selected—voir dire is not a fast process.

As for timing, the first day you will likely be done by 5. If you're selected, you'll be finished each day anywhere between 4:30 and 6:45 depending on the judge. In my experience, judges will clear it with the jury before going past 5.

Source: I'm a Philly Litigator


salamanderXIII OP t1_ivm9rae wrote



vodkaismywater t1_ivmb3fc wrote

No problem! And bring a power pack if you can. Finding an outlet in the CJC and city hall courtrooms is pretty hard unless you're in the bar or well (where the parties sit). Most importantly, be nice to the court staff. They're important to the process, wildly underpaid (I know, I used to a clerk), and treated terribly by most of the public.


salamanderXIII OP t1_ivqp3jd wrote

Everyone I encountered there was very nice.

Thanks again for the information!