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[deleted] t1_iwbvb3t wrote

Parking at the venue is HARD. Just be ready to have to walk pretty far from your spot to the hall (if you find one). Going earlier is better if you're more about seeing the dogs and not the show/judging part. It's a benched show, so all day the dogs will be out being groomed etc, plus the inter-breed judging will be going on outside the stage area. Dogs get tired as the day goes on, so I like to go early to talk to everyone and pet doggoes while everyone is fresh and not too grumpy :)

The show judging is in a separate area - it can be very crowded and takes some time to get into and out of. But it's fun too! that culminates later in the day.

Check the breed judging times for the dogs you're interested in, I usually determine what time I'm going based on that. My breed (Chow Chow) is often doing their breed judging early b/c they DO get grumpy. They never win groups so I don't worry too much about going into the TV/group judging area but my kids like to. they've ended up on TV a few times.

Have fun! It's great fun. I know other fanciers/handlers/breeders so I end up there for hours but normal people won't need more than two hours probably. Again it depends on if you want to watch the interbreed judging (like, seeing how they pick the best Golden Retriever to send in for group judging). That's done out on the "floor" where the benches are.


loxonrye OP t1_iwbwcfq wrote

Thank you so much! This will really help me plan my day :)