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Krasmaniandevil t1_iycuqq9 wrote

If the prosecutor asked for a relatively light sentence compared to other prosecutors and the judge imposed a sentence that's even lower, its entirely consistent to ask the judge to reconsider.


SBRH33 t1_iyczsj1 wrote


But this Judge was more then qualified to hand down the sentence that was appropriate given the totality of what occurred.

Larry just wants to look good for his people.

He's such a duplicitous son of a bitch and Philadelphians are gonna be stuck with him and his bullshit for a very long long time.

He will def eclipse Lynn Abrahams run as DA.

Ya get what ya pay for.


AbsentEmpire t1_iyd84hy wrote

His suburban raised, poverty larping fan boys, will never admit that he's been a disaster for the city, even as they quietly move back out to the burbs because of his policies.


LoudGroans t1_iydevib wrote

"suburban raised poverty larping fanboys" is the best description I've ever fucking heard used to describe these kids. Like, bro, you set a car on fire at a BLM protest a couple years ago but you literally don't even make eye contact with the dude asking for change at the light on Aramingo on the way back to your 1600 dollar studio apartment in Fishtown. Fuckin' crusaders, man. None of us poor folks asked for their help, but they insist on giving it because they lack any semblance of control over their office job.