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dotcom-jillionaire t1_ix9pi9x wrote

fishtown is SOS (shit outta soup) right now with good soup and soup kitchen cafe gone.


HistoricalSubject t1_ixcbdqg wrote

Soup Kitchen Cafe was great, but their owners were idiots for letting that close--it had fantastic location, it had years long history and recognition in the neighborhood, and it had well made basics, and a liquor license!! they couldn't make that work? fools, i tell you! FOOLS!


HistoricalSubject t1_ixiwpwc wrote

not sure. i'd guess the owners were just not good business people, or perhaps had some kind of money spending problem (addiction, gambling, living beyond their means, etc) because that location was, is, and will continue to be a gold mine. im out of the restaurant business now, but if i was still in it, all i'd do is throw up some kitchen ducting and an exhaust fan. VOILA!! then it would be a gold mine x 2.


[deleted] t1_ixldihd wrote

The reason soup kitchen failed was primarily due to the owner(s) being a bonafide fucking imbeciles by allowing their staff to stronghold the fuck out of them by constantly saying covid made them feel unsafe. How do I know this being the reason… well every single restaurant for quite sometime was all open for seating indoors, soup kitchen refused to allow anyone to sit inside. Who the fuck wants to have hot soup to them served in plastic containers? Melting away so you’re practically eating plastic. Next the food tasted terrible and the portions right away cut in half. The inside when they did allow extremely limiting seating was a shit hole with pots and pans everywhere.

They deserve to have closed down because they allowed the staff to control the narrative and I guess the owner completely checked out and figured ok I got pom pom so I’ll close soup kitchen. That spot prepandemic was the fucking best. Excellent food and amazing prices for what it was.


HistoricalSubject t1_ixllj3e wrote

oh wow, thanks for insight! i KNEW they made a mistake in the pandemic by not doing ANY takeout for MONTHS (it actually may have been a full year IIRC), but i had assumed it was for other reasons.

i also assumed they didn't have a great relationship with their employees because there was a lot of turnover starting mid 2019. but yea, totally agree, pre pandemic, it was amazing. i was really angry when they closed, not just because i can't get food there, but more so at the owners, like "how could you let this slip away?!?! it was already poppin' AND IT CAN ONLY GET BUSIER!! the neighborhood is only going to grow more and more!! there are 8+ apartment complexes opening within a 10 minute walk from them, not to mention all of the single homes being remodeled or rebuilt in the same proximity"