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ponte95ma t1_ixusovv wrote

Yes, has been pedalling away our compostables for (checks notes) going on six years now!

... including yesterday morning, when our bucket was crazy heavy with Thanksgiving produce scraps. Thanks to Dave and Michele for running such a great service!


karenmcgrane t1_ixwpgky wrote

I have been using Circle Compost for about as long and they're great! Dave and Michele really do run a great service.

Composting is good for the environment but it's also just so much more convenient to put produce scraps in a separate bucket versus having them in the trash.


ponte95ma t1_ixxbl4x wrote

Convenient, and sanitary if you're putting trash out in bags, no bins, as so many households seem to do. (But !remindme after our 🐀🐀 develop the paw strength to pry open the lids on our 5-gallon buckets!)

I didn't grow up with garbage disposals in kitchen sinks, but understand that they receive a fair amount of our compostables ... along with non-compostable refuse that actually clogs up our in-sink-erators and pipes 🤔