Submitted by a589cc t3_yxzczs in philadelphia

Vet told me my dog has a heart murmur and I should get a scan. They provided me with a few locations but I know they will be expensive. Has anyone done this in the past for their smaller sized pet? How much did it cost?

Also any cheaper recommendations outside of the city? Just trying to have options cause I know pricing fluctuates, thank you!



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alittlemouth t1_iwrcctn wrote

Usually $600-900 for cardiologist’s consult fee, echocardiogram, ECG.


passing-stranger t1_iwrdbhi wrote

My cat has a heart murmur and we're just hoping for the best at this point. The scan alone was cost prohibitive for me. And idk where we would have gone from there but I'm sure we wouldn't have been able to afford it. That was a few years ago and thankfully he's still his happy, active self. Wishing you and your pup good luck!


a589cc OP t1_iwreidd wrote

I’m happy you cat is doing good! My pup isn’t in any danger from the conversation I had with the vet but it’s needed just in case she needs to go under for a procedure. Plus it’ll be nice knowing how big of a problem it could be.


alittlemouth t1_iwrtdat wrote

The good news is that about 50% of cats with heart murmurs have no heart disease, so hopefully your kitty is one of them!


_jordanta_ t1_iwvhkt3 wrote

Ask the bridge clinic. I'm not sure if they offer this service but they do pet dental work for a fraction of the cost of anywhere else.


iHadAnXbox1 t1_iwrdiug wrote

Get what you pay for


a589cc OP t1_iwrdwly wrote

I usually agree but cardiology imaging should all be a standard right? I am definitely trying to do that research. Thank you!


iHadAnXbox1 t1_iwsoro9 wrote

I guess, but the interpretations of them are what matter. I honestly don’t know, but I’ve taken my dog to HOPE animal hospital. Expensive af, prolly more than most places, but it legit saved my boys life when he was ~4 so 🤷‍♂️


a589cc OP t1_iwsplkn wrote

Oh wow I’m glad it worked out! Definitely you have to pay the price, I would do the same. Actually I did for my pups dad. Took him to VSEC (different name now) on front street. It wasn’t cheap and I had no guarantee the meds would work. But after some debt and a few weeks he’s still kicking.


iHadAnXbox1 t1_iwszwd9 wrote

Yup. The one I went to, which as I said is probably the most expensive for a good distance, not to sound like a rich prick just my dogs my best friend lmao, was located @ 40 Three Tun Rd Malvern, PA 19355 United States

Edit: the word to


iHadAnXbox1 t1_iwt05rg wrote

They treated him maybe not worth every dollar but definitely more than anyone else would’ve. They had people with him almost 24/7, did a bunch of tests, gave him meds, and finally got him to eat after about four days of not eating (keep in mind this is 100 lb lab, he demolishes his food). Ended up removing a tumor. He just turned 7 this October now. Good luck


Little_Noodles t1_iwrf8oz wrote

I would check with Bridge Clinic. They have a pretty solid in-house diagnostic set-up that may include the ability to do this, and they’re set up as a non-profit. Between their mission and ability to do most stuff in-house, they’re routinely substantially cheaper than most other offices for big ticket items.

You’ll have to drive up to Bucks County, but for something like this, it’s worth the trip.

I don’t think PAWS or PSPCA has the equipment to do this for you, but they’d also be a good option if they do. Can’t hurt to get in touch and ask.


a589cc OP t1_iwrggag wrote

Thank you! I just went on their site and called but they didn’t answer. I sent them an email. Hopefully they reach back out. If not I’ll keep calling.


uptown_gargoyle t1_iwrfc1q wrote

I price shopped for surgery for my dog recently (non-heart-related) and found Mt. Laurel Animal Hospital to be significantly cheaper than Blue Pearl in the city. I also feel like my dog received great care there. Definitely put them on your list to call.


a589cc OP t1_iwrjbvi wrote

Thank you! I’ll give them a call


[deleted] t1_iwrblj7 wrote



a589cc OP t1_iwrbtbl wrote

They said it’s expensive, could be $1000 plus. All depends on location. That’s why I’m checking with others. The vet I go to doesn’t provide that service.


[deleted] t1_iwrcqp8 wrote



a589cc OP t1_iwrd2dr wrote

You sound annoyed. I’m asking a simple question because I know their are other options. Most likely outside the city which I don’t even have the info for them. I’m gathering info so I can make a decision…


[deleted] t1_iwrd6dh wrote



a589cc OP t1_iwrdjyz wrote

How is it common sense when I have no idea of other locations and their pricing? The locations I was given are the most expensive (I’ve been to a few in the past so I know) and unless it’s absolutely necessary I rather save a few bucks. Either way thank you.