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Ng3me t1_ixkjhhq wrote

Typical conservative. “I’m very pro small government except for the things I don’t like.”

Even though I agree that parking permits should cost hundreds or thousands per car, your small government claim is laughable.


probablyourdad t1_ixlq5l1 wrote

Pro small gov lol, 5.6B budget for the city, our police force literally has more funding than most countries entire military.


zpepsin t1_ixlssay wrote

Conservative yet also want to defund the police?


naz2292 t1_ixlu77j wrote

I have literally never seen that as a talking point for the Republican Party.


Peggy_Ice t1_ixmuqcv wrote

I don’t see how small vs large government has anything to do with this. Parking space is public land, core role of government is to solve tragedy of the commons whether you’re a big government or small government guy.

Im generally small government and think that public parking is insanely underpriced and I don’t think there’s any contradiction there.


TechSquidTV t1_ixo30h0 wrote

Exactly. Republicans are just anti-taxes for things they specifically hate but are extremely pro tax when it suits them. But then hey, they don't have to attack your goals for the money, they can just pretend they give a crap about saving you money.


ScottishCalvin t1_ixlutk1 wrote

No, just that this is an issue where I doubt there's anyone who would oppose it, such is the unifying unpopularity of jackasses parking 3 or 4 vehicles outside their apartment

'except' implying I'm pro-government when it comes to stuff I *do* like? Nope, I'd disband most of the government with the exception of schools and even then I'd scrap all the federal level stuff.


Ng3me t1_ixmf2zx wrote

Sure, “or the things I like” works, whichever way you want to word it, it means the same thing. Conservatives are for small gov except things they don’t like such as abortion, gay rights, black people being allowed to vote… Conservative are for small gov excet things they like such as, in your case, parking enforcement but typically police, mass incarceration…