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nsweeney11 t1_ix95hxq wrote

I think your friends are just bad dog owners. There's an extensive community in Reddit for reactive and fearful and even mean dogs.


DoubleDoobie t1_ix95pfq wrote

It's not just my friends. IMO, most dog owners are "bad" or even average dog owners at best. Covid-induced dog ownership hasn't helped.


nsweeney11 t1_ix95tp1 wrote

You specifically mentioned your friends. You don't know most dog owners. I think maybe you're generalizing based on your friends


DoubleDoobie t1_ix95yra wrote

I also walk around the streets of Philly, but okay


nsweeney11 t1_ix960ya wrote

Wow what a coincidence, so do I.


crispydukes t1_ix9qoj4 wrote

And most are bad dog owners. Honestly. I am far from a "good" dog owner, but most everyone else is worse.