Submitted by madluer t3_z7zbl7 in philadelphia

Would you get a ticket if you moved your car to a different parking spot on the same block after the 2hr period and then stayed there for another 2hrs?

Im guessing the answer is yes if the intention is 2hr parking for the street, not just a particular spot, but I know I’ve moved my car before to run an errand and then reparked on the same street for another hour or so. Just wondering how this would be tracked/if people have gotten tickets before.



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Comm0nSenseIsntComon t1_iy8vcf0 wrote

I have gotten a ticket for this in the past - I think they check by block rather than by spot.

PPA isn’t the most sophisticated…


madluer OP t1_iy8vn67 wrote

So lame :/ Ill make sure to avoid this moving forward, but also curious as to if it could be fought as a misunderstanding


John_EightThirtyTwo t1_iy95oaf wrote

My late father-in-law was a stickler for rules. He carried a beef with PPA to his grave over this exact case.

You can absolutely fight it as a misunderstanding. You will almost certainly lose. It will take considerable time.


garfinkelphotography t1_iy8wo00 wrote

I don't know if it's an exact science, but when I move from a 2hr spot and return, I make sure to park on the opposite side of the street. I never get a ticket doing that. If I park on the same side of the block, but in a different spot, I get ticketed. I think the PPA tracking device is only able to track cars from a "east west" of street on a certain block. So they can't really tell if the car moved if it only moved a few spots down on the same side of the street.


halfdeserted t1_iy972ig wrote

This is what a PPA officer told me to do- park on the opposite side of the street


madluer OP t1_iy8wti2 wrote

This makes a lot of sense. I know my friend did that every time she reparked/needed more time on the block and never got a ticket


Fattom23 t1_iy8vazf wrote

You will get a ticket if a PPA officer notices it. The 2 hour limit is for the block. I had it happen to me on my block before I'd gotten the permit moved.


madluer OP t1_iy8vpns wrote

Ugh that’s the worst, were you able to do anything about it or just had to pay?


Fattom23 t1_iy8vumo wrote

I didn't even try to fight it. Buying a house comes with a lot of expenses; I just chalked this up as one of those. He gave me the chance to move first, but I told him to just ticket me.


mdperino t1_iy9azae wrote

They gave you an option? I’ve never seen PPA do that lol they just start writing it


Fattom23 t1_iy9dg21 wrote

I was getting out of the car with the kids, so they mentioned it to me. I explained the situation, he said he'd still have to write it, and I told him to go ahead. It wasn't a real high demand block, so things were a bit more laid back.


cfh294 t1_iy8yjq6 wrote

It’s by zone, not block technically. I think that two sides of the same street can be or typically are different zones. Could be wrong though.


crystal0001 t1_iy9dip3 wrote

I got ticketed for this- different spot on the same street during different times on the same day


And2Makes5 t1_iy8wt52 wrote

Not a dumb question. The PPA will ticket their own mothers, they don't need a reason.


yogaballcactus t1_iy8yuut wrote

If their mothers park illegally then they should get tickets. Being the PPA’s mother isn’t an excuse to park where you’re not supposed to.


And2Makes5 t1_iy94413 wrote

I wish you the best in your career at the PPA.


John_EightThirtyTwo t1_iy961wl wrote

Law-enforcement officers giving lawbreaking family members a pass is corruption. I have many complaints about the PPA. Insufficient corruption isn't one of them.


yogaballcactus t1_iy949fs wrote

If I did work at the PPA I’d ticket your mother mercilessly.


thefrozendivide t1_iy9zx4w wrote

You 100% have to move to a different block.


degeneratex80 t1_iyal3ah wrote

Official policy is.. if your car is on the same side of the same block, then yes you will.

What you have to do is move across the street or onto the next block. That will cancel out the timing and start you over again.


TrentonMakes t1_iye8ceq wrote

They used to use the chalk mark on your tire by what time you parked (chalk mark on the 3oclock position if you parked at 3) so you used to be able to move to a different spot just a space or two ahead. With the digital system you just have to move across the street.


icedoutskimaskszn t1_iy96m6j wrote

I’ve never gotten a ticket. Also extend the parking in the app for additional time. Not an issue.

If you’re in a legit spot and paying, they dgaf.


madluer OP t1_iy9dnhc wrote

I was referring to unpaid parking with a time limit


MegaUltraUser t1_iyapb8e wrote

If you get a ticket put it on the car next to you, most people don't check the details and just pay it. Make sure to take a pic so you can see if the fine was payed.
