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K3R3G3 t1_ixky71j wrote

Yeah it's like "hey prison doesn't rehabilitate, so what should we do?" "Just let them out since it's not working." "But then won't they be wreaking havoc on the city?" "Meh."

I'd like to fully understand wtf is going on. The letting them out so quickly is unacceptable though and it's insanely unfair to the citizens and businesses. People get robbed because of this, carjacked, PTSD, beaten, killed, lose loved ones. Because violent POSs are let out. Lots of people don't want to accept it and want to love their city/home, saying it's not that bad and it's the fault of so and so, but dude. Look around. They are failing every citizen of the city.

For whatever reason, progressive policies, incompetence, zero care, all 3, is this letting everyone out so quickly why the police are on soft strike? Is it the ACAB stuff, the riots that occurred, and the fact that it's so possible that an officer will be thrown under the bus for doing their job if the court of public opinion and media machine deem it an unnecessary shoot? Does the city government not have the PPD's back?

Idk, man. But it's obvious things aren't working. Gotta understand what is actually going on before you can solve the problems.