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dustycase2 t1_iy09l50 wrote

A quick glance at your comment history in this sub, and 50% of it is how this sucks living in Philly, that sucks living in Philly, even this response to me is a complaint about Philadelphia.

Dude asked for some advice about a neighborhood in the city he wants to live in, and you immediately tried to steer him into living in the suburbs! Yes, renting in an area before you buy is solid advice, but that's not even advice that you gave. If it was, I wouldn't be pointing out your bias to you. ' If you have kids "no", if you want green space, "no", if you want parking, "no" '- that was your advice to this guy who wants to live in the city.

I didn't say you shouldn't get to contribute in the sub, but your bias is showing.


rovinchick t1_iy0fnrh wrote

Different strokes for different folks. Yes, I'm biased, just like those biased to the city and calling the suburbs boring and full of drugs for teens? I've lived in the city a lot longer than the burbs, but at least I have the experience of both to offer my biased insight. Some are too afraid to try one over the other.


dustycase2 t1_iy0gcfe wrote

Of course different strokes for different strokes! I would gather to ascertain that the couple's preferred stroke is the city, considering he's literally asking about a neighborhood in it, with not a mention of a single suburb?

If the guy says he wants to live in your rural town or that rural town- then maybe you can counsel him! But he specifically said he was looking to live in the city, and you said the suburbs are better and that the city sucks for a number of reasons.

PS. I didn't call the suburbs boring, nor did I say they were full of drugs. You aren't necessarily more brave or better than someone else because you have the experience of living in the city vs the burbs. You're coming across as having a chip on your shoulder, or that you are still sour about 2009.