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[deleted] t1_j1sxogr wrote

Are there certain areas I should be avoiding when finding a new place? I'm in NJ trying to make the move to Philadelphia. Thanks in advance.


NonIdentifiableUser t1_j1ulo7y wrote

I mean there are huge swaths of North and West Philly you should avoid if you’re able to, along with scattered spots in other areas. What’s your criteria in terms of budget, location, etc?


[deleted] t1_j1v4ery wrote

Ideally something around the 1k max range. Trying to escape Jersey's minimum $1500.


depressionbutbetter t1_j214dy0 wrote

Philly is hard to pin down aside from the bigger areas mentioned above and everyone has their own threshold. Find places you like and once narrowed down do a dry run of regular things like a grocery trip, trip to work, train, park etc and look around. Make sure it meets your safety standards.


Motor-Juice-6648 t1_j215klg wrote

You are going to have to move to one of those neighborhoods to avoid, or bordering one for 1k max unless you get a roommate.