Submitted by uey-tlatoani t3_z9ojax in philadelphia

I walk by Spruce snd 21st everyday and there have been a lot of Penske and other moving trucks parked on Spruce and 21st for the past two days. Also there’s a lot of wiring running from Spruce turning the corner to 21st. There’s a lot of cones to block parking, and there are like 2 cars per block in the no parking zone with people sitting in them all day. Any idea what this is?



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pierogi_boy t1_iyhovj7 wrote

I want to say they’re still filming Servant, but I could be wrong. Big security presence the other day.


snooloosey t1_iyi96qp wrote

another season of that show? man they really are squeezing that plot line dry


TooManyDraculas t1_iyhzlhe wrote

They had Spruce from 20th down to 23rd or 24th blocked off Monday and they were shooting on Spruce 21st to 22nd again. So yeah. The additional no parking areas are for catering, equipment trucks and trailers.


John_EightThirtyTwo t1_iyidgxl wrote

>shooting on Spruce 21st to 22nd

Yeah, the show is set in a house on Spruce at Van Pelt. Shyamalan gives it an eerie, other-worldly quality by having Spruce run eastbound. It gives you goosebumps!


TooManyDraculas t1_iyikhol wrote

Yeah I live near there. Frequent filming.

Hadn't headed out to work yet when I posted. They definitely have the crew out. They usually don't shut down as much as they have this week so they may be shooting something more than exteriors.

If anyone wants to stalk Ron Weasley. I see him by Rittenhouse Square regularly. I think they have the cast staying at The Rittenhouse.


uey-tlatoani OP t1_iyhoyly wrote

Yeah I noticed the security too! Wow that’s pretty cool.


hethuisje t1_iyhteuv wrote

It's pretty not cool in some ways. They've continually told people that instead of parking on certain streets, they can park in the bike lanes on Spruce/Pine. They've taken over a park (Fitler Square), put up some tents for a scene, and then put up signs assuring residents that it's just for filming, their neighborhood is not actually being sullied by the homeless. And the other day I saw one of the security people tell a few pedestrians that they couldn't walk down a certain street, even though there didn't seem to be anything going on there. If I lived closer to it I'd be blowing up the CP's office phone. Who agreed to this mess? I understand that there is some kind fo film office to facilitate things like this but it's gone on way too long and not worth it unless they've given the city millions and millions of dollars.


courageous_liquid t1_iyhuv6e wrote

> And the other day I saw one of the security people tell a few pedestrians that they couldn't walk down a certain street, even though there didn't seem to be anything going on there.

And that's when you tell them to fuck off and just keep walking. Not like they're allowed to do shit. I walked through all the sets that were constantly being shot in that area for like 5 years.


themoneybadger t1_iyl0uqx wrote

The only time they dont let u on the street is during active shooting. Between takes they dont care.


courageous_liquid t1_iyldtlv wrote

I walked up 21st and 22nd while they were filming on and off and they told me a bunch of times not to walk through there while they had enormous piles of trash sitting on the sidewalk like clowns.

I'm not even a hardass, they didn't care and neither did I.


Adam__B t1_iyihf5b wrote

I live on Spruce and 23rd, they were filming directly in front of my building. When I had to get home with groceries they let me walk right through.


hdhcnsnd t1_iyhppam wrote

I think they’re filming today. I ride my bike through there daily and this morning it was blocked off at 19th and I could see what looked like a whole film setup.


Darius_Banner t1_iyiwed4 wrote

It’s that stupid TV show that takes away all the parking. They idle their engines all day too.


Luna_3000 t1_iym5ixe wrote

Took me so long to drive through that mess yesterday. Nothing indicated on GPS at all so I went right into the mess like a dummy. The worst.


prozute t1_iyhrxby wrote

21st and Spruce


diatriose t1_iyhs4ha wrote

Penske trucks? Do they look like white supremacists?
