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ColdJay64 t1_j26ang3 wrote

I don’t know how quickly it will happen, but I do think Philly’s ascendance will continue. While showing my condo in November/December, at least 7 or 8 different couples all moving from NYC toured it. When voting, I saw/heard a few families at my polling spot that were new to the area. The vast majority of my friends love the city and don’t plan to leave. Also, I don’t know how the burgeoning recession will impact this, but there’s literally a record amount of constructing going on.. and I think everyone has noticed all the new restaurants opening. Lastly, there are other positive indicators such as 70+% of condos in the Laurel selling before it’s opened, unemployment lower than pre-pandemic, and some new employers coming to the city.


karensPA t1_j26nr2e wrote

How are we still talking about a “looming recession?” Unemployment still low, gas prices down, inflation moderating, GDP growing at a steady clip. Never seen anything loom for so long…and never get here. Except maybe the scary caravan of 2020.


philsfly22 t1_j275e8f wrote

New Yorkers moving here en masse is not good for the city.


ColdJay64 t1_j27pmra wrote

What are the downsides besides potentially increasing the cost of living in philly?


randyrockwell t1_j27yvy1 wrote



ColdJay64 t1_j29cegw wrote

If an area gets more desirable, the cost of living will go up. If an area is bad, the cost of living will go down due to less demand. Which would you rather see for Philly?


randyrockwell t1_j29zt1e wrote

i mean i'd rather everyone eats and everyone has a house, personally. but i was just answering your question. the benefit of philadelphia over the other northeast corridor cities is that you get nice, good shit but you can also afford to live here (not in a shoebox) with regular people money. that is and always has been the deal here.


ColdJay64 t1_j2a22lv wrote

Ideally, I agree too. That’s what I love about my current neighborhood, it’s a great combination of folks from all walks of life.


Anona-Mom t1_j26xoew wrote

Oh this is reassuring, we are looking to move out & sell within the year and I wondered how the condo scene was these days


ColdJay64 t1_j2754nu wrote

I was renting it out so I’m not sure about the sales side!
