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Angsty_Potatos t1_j1d9aef wrote

Love that this is like a fucking block from my house. Very cool and neat. 🫠


dwntwn_dine_ent_dist t1_j1df78j wrote

I know. I had to go check my freezer to be sure everything was still there.


Cloaked42m t1_j1dn6ex wrote

I need a comic of someone opening their freezer and finding Gritty staring back at them. Gritty blinks. The person closes their freezer and walks away.


snake_w_arms t1_j1d9gia wrote

Same! Walked by this morning and was wondering what was going on.


the_hoagie t1_j1db8en wrote

Hey me three! I saw this, went outside and lo and behold there's the cops down the street.


Angsty_Potatos t1_j1dc2d6 wrote

Was going to feed my neighbors cat and saw everyone outside and asked what happened and was not expecting body in the freezer


rogue1351 t1_j1dk3zo wrote

Just some meat in a freezer, nothing to see there


mklinger23 t1_j1dkpg5 wrote

Me too man. I was looking where it was and then I saw 12th and Snyder 🙃


Stigs84 t1_j1eer78 wrote

Damn, my friends live right there, I’m there all the time 😳


ringringmytacobell t1_j1evi7n wrote

Hi neighbor! So many of us in this thread. We should do a meet up at the party sev. Eat taquitos and play PA skill games


Gabagoo44 t1_j1ejlrv wrote

It’s Snyder, I’m not surprised. This might be the least shitty part but go two blocks down there’s practically a homeless encampment. Go down toward 7th street there’s addicts and hookers chilling all day it’s a wonderful place to be.