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NoREEEEEEtilBrooklyn t1_j0nzzxb wrote

I may very well re-register as a democrat simply to vote in the primary. It is the actual election at this point. Hopefully Jeff Brown or Rhynhart wins. Will begrudgingly accept Domb. Will be upset if any of the former city council members besides Domb win. Will giggle if Jimmy DeLeon wins.


IamSauce4 t1_j0pumcz wrote

Just read about Brown in this billypenn write up. It really seems hard to get worse then this.


NoREEEEEEtilBrooklyn t1_j0pvjf8 wrote

I meant Jeff Brown. Forgot there were two Browns running.


IamSauce4 t1_j0q2kpy wrote

I am dumb. I didn’t realize you were referring to a different Brown. My mistake.


mary_emeritus t1_j0s9n7z wrote

He had printed out signs all over our building for his “big announcement” Friday. I saw the signs, thought to myself this guy’s going to run for mayor and cracked up. Please let him not get in. I don’t want rich developer Domb either. It’s down to Jeff Brown or Rhynhart right now, will keep trying to dig for good information on both.


AbsentEmpire t1_j0ub8kp wrote

Domb would be fine as mayor, Rhynhart would be better. Jeff brown doesn't have any relevant experience.


AbsentEmpire t1_j0ub03c wrote

The candidate who wins will do so with a very slim amount of votes. I'm gonna beg here and ask you to re-join the democratic party to vote in the primary to get Rhynhart across the finish line.


NoREEEEEEtilBrooklyn t1_j0v5bj3 wrote

I haven’t decided between Rhynhart or J. Brown yet, but I did decide to register.

Edit: I have just re-registered as a Democrat, but I feel dirty about it since I personally believe that political parties are detrimental to true democracy.


AbsentEmpire t1_j0vka1w wrote

Rhynhart is the way, I don't think anyone else has the experience, the knowledge, or desire to fix the problems the city faces.

Sadly true democracy can't be achieved without an overhaul of the election system, until that happens the most likely outcome of any election for Philly is, whoever wins the democratic primary will win the office. So it behooves you to register for the time being to have a say on who will be elected to the city government.


apathetic_panda t1_j0ontk0 wrote

If Domb wins, I'm filing for asylum in Canada.

There's one person running who's been posting receipts for the city budget for a decade, and a bunch of fucking grifters.

Be a Reub. Not a noob.


Aromat_Junkie t1_j0pxbpq wrote

If Domb win's I'm filing for asylum in Canada. Cherry Hill.

Kidding aside I think domb is decent.


apathetic_panda t1_j0pzqn0 wrote

Robust riverfront; good public schools, legal cannabis sales.

Not awful. However, I have an appreciation for Alouette armpit hair 🥰😍🤩 that is only found in places where it might be more common to acquire venison jerky.

Well, venison jerky that isn't fireproof.