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ERPoppop t1_j0oifjl wrote

i'd guarantee you that nearly every democrat agrees with your assessment regarding corruption and big city politics.

but pretending that dynamic would change with the leadership swapping political parties is pure copium, especially in the context of the current national and local GOP platforms, which are comprised solely of

  1. resorting to childish contrarianism to own the libs; and
  2. resorting to item 1 to avoid the responsibility that accompanies having actual fleshed out policy positions

nobody likes corruption except for the people directly benefiting from it (i.e., not most voters, including democrats). why not fight to end corruption in politics instead of pretending it's coming from a singular source?


GroundbreakingArt248 t1_j0p9l8h wrote

I never said or even implied the dynamic would change if the GOP was in charge of Philadelphia. Our city council has a veto proof Democratic majority and zero interest in reform and that’s a major problem. We need a real opposition, not the WFP pretending they’re not Democrats while voting in lockstep with them at every available opportunity. The two Republicans we have on council aren’t much help. David Oh SOMETIMES stands up to the majority but O’Neill is just short of useless.

Nationwide the two party system we have is the source of many of our problems. Open primaries and ranked choice voting would help break their stranglehold on power by allowing third parties and independents a real chance at being elected.