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no483828 t1_j0m35p7 wrote

Too many candidates splitting the vote is exactly how Krasner got elected.


ColdJay64 t1_j0m64fe wrote

Anyone but Gym. Please. Even Amen Brown would be better.


Probability-Bot t1_j0mhbz7 wrote

I dunno but i would say careful ( due diligence) on who Reddit pushes thats how we got Kras in office...They will start to push heavily for their candidate in the upcoming few weeks....


Unfamiliar_Word t1_j0mhu1u wrote

The possibility of somebody being elected Mayor of Philadelphia ultimately by winning a fraction of the primary vote makes me uneasy. That just doesn't seem like democracy in a substantive way.

I don't believe that the next Mayor will win with as outrageously small of a vote share of 11 % or whatever the necessary minimum turns out to be, but it could still conceivably be quite small. Philadelphia isn't going to become Peru, but the shiftless failure that Jim Kenney turned out to be and a primary election that seems poised to give somebody executive office with a dubious mandate should be a clear sign that the system is bad.

Tangentially, Helen Gym should fire her graphic designer. Her logo looks like it belongs on the side of those coolers at gas stations that you buy bags of ice out of.


rrfloeter t1_j0mippm wrote

When is the 2023 mayor primary?


ColdJay64 t1_j0mlzb9 wrote

Idk what this says about me but I still voted for Peruto, one of the few Republicans I've ever voted for. A couple of days before voting I watched an interview with Krasner where he was asked how he felt about a specific homicide, and his response was something like "crime prevention is important, but what I really want to focus on is the great strides we are making with regards to reform" and just started rambling about that. It was at that moment he lost me, as despite his occasional televised "emotional" pleas, that showed me who he really is and how little he cares about anyone/anything beyond his agenda... which is NOT public safety.


GroundbreakingArt248 t1_j0n7a54 wrote

It’s going to be an embarrassment to Democracy how few people decided who the mayor of the sixth largest city in the country is going to be. We need open primaries ASAP


jack_pizarro t1_j0nd66j wrote

I'm not voting for Kenney nor his endorsements (if any).


ten-million t1_j0nqgiy wrote

How come our elections are on the odd year and not with federal elections?


Robert_A_Bouie t1_j0nw2iw wrote

Well then I'm sorry but your best course if action is to register Democrat and vote for the candidate that best suits your interests. Wishing for open primaries and ranked voting will get you nowhere unless you can elect Democrats who will push for those changes.


GroundbreakingArt248 t1_j0nxxr9 wrote

Our local Democrats would never support open primaries or ranked choice voting because it would diminish their power. It doesn’t matter anyway because those changes would need to be made at the state, not municipal, level.


NoREEEEEEtilBrooklyn t1_j0nzzxb wrote

I may very well re-register as a democrat simply to vote in the primary. It is the actual election at this point. Hopefully Jeff Brown or Rhynhart wins. Will begrudgingly accept Domb. Will be upset if any of the former city council members besides Domb win. Will giggle if Jimmy DeLeon wins.


Robert_A_Bouie t1_j0o1pkd wrote

Philly is a one party town and has been since the late 50's. Maybe someday you'll realize that the only way to make changes is from within. The current crop of mayoral candidates is actually eclectic. I have to think that there's one candidate that checks most of your boxes. You can register D and vote for them or hope that they win in May and then you can vote for them in November when it will be uncontested.


ERPoppop t1_j0oifjl wrote

i'd guarantee you that nearly every democrat agrees with your assessment regarding corruption and big city politics.

but pretending that dynamic would change with the leadership swapping political parties is pure copium, especially in the context of the current national and local GOP platforms, which are comprised solely of

  1. resorting to childish contrarianism to own the libs; and
  2. resorting to item 1 to avoid the responsibility that accompanies having actual fleshed out policy positions

nobody likes corruption except for the people directly benefiting from it (i.e., not most voters, including democrats). why not fight to end corruption in politics instead of pretending it's coming from a singular source?


Maxmutinium t1_j0oix9k wrote

Who are the moderates and who are the progressives? What are their policy positions? Feels like I always gotta hunt for this info behind paywalls and platitude ridden campaign sites, hopefully will get easier before the election


GroundbreakingArt248 t1_j0p9l8h wrote

I never said or even implied the dynamic would change if the GOP was in charge of Philadelphia. Our city council has a veto proof Democratic majority and zero interest in reform and that’s a major problem. We need a real opposition, not the WFP pretending they’re not Democrats while voting in lockstep with them at every available opportunity. The two Republicans we have on council aren’t much help. David Oh SOMETIMES stands up to the majority but O’Neill is just short of useless.

Nationwide the two party system we have is the source of many of our problems. Open primaries and ranked choice voting would help break their stranglehold on power by allowing third parties and independents a real chance at being elected.


jnachod t1_j0pg8x3 wrote

Unfortunately, the big winners will be entities like 6 ABC, FOX29, etc., as we will all be subjected to a high advertising load this spring.


apathetic_panda t1_j0pzqn0 wrote

Robust riverfront; good public schools, legal cannabis sales.

Not awful. However, I have an appreciation for Alouette armpit hair 🥰😍🤩 that is only found in places where it might be more common to acquire venison jerky.

Well, venison jerky that isn't fireproof.


Strange-Fee-1437 t1_j0qgy8t wrote

Exactly. Progressives want changes but are blind to the fact that changes are more easily made from within. The progressive council people who were elected fully understand this. Their constituents are slow to comprehend.


mary_emeritus t1_j0s9n7z wrote

He had printed out signs all over our building for his “big announcement” Friday. I saw the signs, thought to myself this guy’s going to run for mayor and cracked up. Please let him not get in. I don’t want rich developer Domb either. It’s down to Jeff Brown or Rhynhart right now, will keep trying to dig for good information on both.


AbsentEmpire t1_j0u9zk2 wrote

Brown is just another Kenney in the making, just total incompetence.

Gym is worse, she's both incompetent and an ideolog who keeps conflating national issues as local issues.


AbsentEmpire t1_j0uaf48 wrote

Ya it's incompetent, corrupt, and running the city into the ground. However until open primaries and or ranked choice voting get approved in PA you're intentionally removing yourself from voting for any reform on ill-founded moral superiority.


AbsentEmpire t1_j0ubg9q wrote

We must all work together to push Rhynhart as hard as possible. She's the only candidate running who is both intelligent, lacks conflict of interest, and has the will to get the city government functioning again.


gijyun t1_j0uuuw6 wrote

We have 1M registered voters - turnout on that primary will be maybe 30%, which will be split among 8-10 Candidates - the top winner may only get 20% of that 30% so - about 60,000 votes needed to be Mayor of a 1.5M population city


NoREEEEEEtilBrooklyn t1_j0v5bj3 wrote

I haven’t decided between Rhynhart or J. Brown yet, but I did decide to register.

Edit: I have just re-registered as a Democrat, but I feel dirty about it since I personally believe that political parties are detrimental to true democracy.


AbsentEmpire t1_j0vka1w wrote

Rhynhart is the way, I don't think anyone else has the experience, the knowledge, or desire to fix the problems the city faces.

Sadly true democracy can't be achieved without an overhaul of the election system, until that happens the most likely outcome of any election for Philly is, whoever wins the democratic primary will win the office. So it behooves you to register for the time being to have a say on who will be elected to the city government.


cielorossa t1_j0ywodn wrote

>Prisons and hard line policing are not the solution to crime. If they were USA would be safest country in the world

It is EASY to say this when you haven't been the victim of a heinous unprovoked crime. I have been assaulted in the El. My neighbors have been burglarized. My neighborhood's ATM is bombed repeatedly. Try raising children in that environment. I say throw all the VIOLENT low life criminals in jail - and ban guns permanently - (this will never happen).


Killadelphian t1_j0z2k9i wrote

I am literally born and raised Philadelphian. And yes I have been robbed multiple times. Locking everyone up perpetuates the problems we both experience. Raising the minimum wage would go further to reduce crime than any tough DA would


cielorossa t1_j0zxwxt wrote

That I agree with you 100 percent. Minimum wage and high quality education and free extracurricular activities for all youth. That being said, anyone reckless enough to bomb an ATM in a residential neighborhood or randomly shoot or harm innocent people needs to suffer consequences. It is not ok to hurt people.