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Bubbleteame t1_j1znt1q wrote

Honestly I don’t know.. but.. do you honestly think Black kids look older because it’s inherent? I know you said it’s ‘somewhat common’ but I’m genuinely curious


target_meet_arrow t1_j1zpmtz wrote

I think when compared to white kids; which is how white people are generally basing their comparisons due to their life experiences, black kids have a tendency to look older once they enter puberty.

I can't figure out what issue you have with my initial statement unless you were reading it with a negative voice which doesn't make sense to me with the message and links provided. I guess I could have offered more explanation but I felt the provided links did that better than I could. If you think of something please let me know because I honestly don't get your issue.


FriendlyFire_19 t1_j20zndy wrote

Her issue is that she thought you were white saying that. That’s it.