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NoREEEEEEtilBrooklyn t1_j1kvh0c wrote

I’m down for that. Pay the homeless in food to power society. Win win.


clickstops t1_j1ky53y wrote

Pay our most marginalized citizens in soup kitchen allowance to be human hamsters on the energy wheel?


largeroastbeef t1_j1l8cxn wrote

It kinda sounds like the beginning of the matrix where the robots make people their energy source


NoREEEEEEtilBrooklyn t1_j1l2fhu wrote

Not soup kitchen allowance. Really good food. And they’re free to leave whenever. Completely voluntary.

Also, in case people can’t tell, I’m joking. We should just have nuclear energy plants with supplemental solar/wind. Human hamsters would be too weird.


Is_that_your_wow- t1_j1kvtox wrote

Gravity powered LED lights already are replacing oil lamps in places that use them. I'm just surprised no ones designed this along an elevator shaft.

Hiring homeless in food sounds like a good idea, but not sure if that's the best incentive or most productive workforce. Philly doesn't have absolute poverty. No one is starving to death, and the homeless mostly are addicts or mentally ill. Although paying people money usually works well, even for our poorer Philadelphian friends.


Frummage t1_j1mqfdv wrote

Most homeless in Philly are families with children, and most are not on the street but in shelters or moving from temporary accommodation to temporary accommodation. The visibly homeless are a minority.


owenhinton98 t1_j1mxn8f wrote

A good chunk (pretty sure it’s a majority) of “visible homeless” aren’t even homeless at all, just looking to score…you can tell because the ones that ask for change to “get a bite to eat” will decline food offerings and clearly only wanna score