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dangerburns880 t1_j0ujg4p wrote

F15. Biden is in Delaware so there is/was a Temporary Flight Restriction that extends through the city. A Cessna violated it so he got intercepted and escorted out by the F15


KuyaGTFO t1_j0ul66c wrote

Probably some dummy not turning up his radios or checking Notices to Airmen

Source: …call it personal experience


asforus t1_j0utide wrote

Are you the guy that this happened to last time? I feel like this happened last year with a Biden flight restriction too.


memettetalks t1_j0uy0da wrote

It did, I know the guy. He was my first boss lol.


asforus t1_j0uyr3s wrote

Hahah that’s funny. Small world.


memettetalks t1_j0uzs8f wrote

Yeah it was a hilarious moment when I heard. Made total sense too, tbh.


SwugSteve t1_j0vkuo5 wrote

was there any punishment or just a stern talking to?


memettetalks t1_j0vleby wrote

P sure there was something with his license. Suspended/revoked I'm not sure. Heard it through the grapevine so unsure. Ironic bc he was pretty high powered in terms of local politics but I imagine it didn't do him any good once he violated federal aviation zones.


dude_catastrophe t1_j0ujrtj wrote

What an honor! A personal escort by an F-15!


boringreddituserid t1_j0uzdwy wrote

And a Secret Service reception committee at the end of the runway when you land.


siandresi t1_j0usf1o wrote

I’m sure it doesn’t come cheap ? In the form of a fine


FolesNick9 t1_j0usu8e wrote

This is the correct response, and just to reiterate what I shared elsewhere:

There is a strict no fly-zone set in place when this occurs, and it often creates quite an issue around Philly and its suburbs because we have a ton of tiny airports and people with a lot of money and expensive hobbies with poor aviation experience flying around those areas.

Chances are this is a pilot that isn't instrument rated, is rather green and decided to go up on a nice clear day to fly VFR around our area, broke that TFR zone and wasn't paying attention to their radio when they got called out, which led to the scramble.


alphex t1_j0ul217 wrote

I believe you. But source ?


dangerburns880 t1_j0uluvs wrote

I was looking at another post somewhere else as well about it but I don’t remember where. TOI is the callsign they typically use for interceptions. If you have Flightradar24 or ADSB exchange (Flightradar24 is an all you can get, ADSB can be accessed through the internet) you can rewind to earlier and watch the Cessna enter restricted airspace and then subsequently see the F15 come and intercept


sandwichpepe t1_j0umwif wrote

probably the second post about the plane here on r/ philadelphia, but the post got deleted!

link to post


dotcom-jillionaire t1_j0uy3yy wrote

i guess the mods didn't like the extra detail and flightradar24 links on that post? that one made more sense to keep alive


Vamanoscabron t1_j0v0lnh wrote

Do you happen to know what kind of repercussions there are for this (besides shitting britches)?


FolesNick9 t1_j0v5icp wrote

A couple of things can happen based off how negligent the pilot was, and its decided on by the FAA:

1 - You can be criminally punished up to a maximum of 1 year in federal prison and a $100,000 fine (Very harsh and rare, you really have to be an F up to get this done)

2 - you can have your pilot license suspended or revoked

3 - receive a civil penalty/fine while also potentially facing #2 noted above


IcedCoffeeIsBetter t1_j0vv9be wrote

Pretty sure the guy in Cali who did this like a month ago is in the number 1 category. Took like 15 flares and many passes to get his attention.


selfpromoting t1_j0vr9yc wrote

Imagine being in a Cessna and having a F15 pull up along side you.


Master_Winchester t1_j0v5jv7 wrote

I saw it happen in the air without knowing the context so I'll support this claim


yugtahtmi t1_j0ufp1t wrote

Sounds like a circling fighter jet over manayunk right now


[deleted] OP t1_j0ufqrk wrote



Watch-Ring t1_j0ug4c8 wrote

SAME! It was so loud I was like 'do I need to brace for impact?!' it's 9:40 in the morning, why?


GroupBQuattro t1_j0un10v wrote

The Cessna is so slow, so the fighter had to do circles to stay within a small distance of the slow plane


meohmy13 t1_j0uuamd wrote

LOL I was genuinely wondering if an F15 is even capable of going as slow as a Cessna


punks0da t1_j0ugdss wrote

That was the Danger Zone.


DelcoWolv t1_j0ugt68 wrote

Would you say we’re heading into a zone…of danger?


KuyaGTFO t1_j0ul8bg wrote

Highway to the TFR doesn’t have the same ring to it lol


theLRG t1_j0ufsqc wrote

It was just over Bryn Mawr a little bit ago. Man those things are loud!


[deleted] OP t1_j0ufu5e wrote



XeroG t1_j0ujbxs wrote

POTUS is at his house for the weekend, some dude in his Cessna strayed into the no fly zone without permission, got intercepted.


theLRG t1_j0ukyvt wrote

Oh shit I think I saw it! I saw a low-flying small craft fly over Bryn Mawr and then the fighter jet was swirling around behind it!


GroupBQuattro t1_j0un4do wrote

Yep that’s it. Fighter had to do circles because it can’t fly as slow as the little plane (cessna)


K3R3G3 t1_j0xgjgq wrote

TL;DR - If you haven't seen a fighter jet at an airshow, try to. The occasional flyovers here are next to nothing in comparison. It'll blow your mind.

Dude, if you thought that was loud, I went to an airshow where the same jet was: an F-15. This thing flew right in front of us, less than 100 feet over the runway that we were on the edge of. I can't even describe it. With my ears plugged, it was still deafening. The ground, both concrete and soil, quaked. The vibrations through your feet were ridiculous. Your entire body gets pummeled by the thunderous energy of the engines. It shakes the earth and hammers through every molecule of your being. It feels like someone is punching your chest or it's going to disintegrate you.

I don't know how close to the speed of sound it was going, but it was fast. It would do the runway passes then pull straight up and turn into a dot in seconds and punch through the clouds. You'd still hear it somewhat faintly lurking above, or fade to borderline inaudible, then it would punch back through and approach until it did another apocalyptic runway pass at breakneck speed.

I was a kid when I went and it's still one of the coolest things I've ever seen. The F-15 is so badass.


thebadpixel t1_j0wd8df wrote

I was biking across Jersey in the MS City to Shore in 2019 when a fighter jet blew over us at low altitude. Holy hell… I almost had to stop and hold my ears.

There were no follow-up kabooms, so I figured WW3 hadn’t started and kept riding. Found out later it was something to do with Tr#um’s golf club.


hello_im_bored t1_j0ufvqk wrote

Reporting in from the Kensington/Port Richmond area, also wondering what the hell that was.


wolfman2scary t1_j0vjmtk wrote

My gf says “what the hell was that” a lot living here. This time it’s an actual jet


purplecat3 t1_j0ugpp3 wrote

Same here, and I could hear it for about a minute but didn't see it


GroupBQuattro t1_j0umjp5 wrote

My former colleagues at Lankenau got quite a show. They called me quickly and asked me to check radar. I watched the Cessna get walked right back to the “Flying W” field in jersey. Bad day for that man. Tail number was N738YT btw


AFirefighter11 t1_j0uqaab wrote

Pilots really need to be aware of TFRs with having a President living so close to the Philly region. It has been a couple of years, so it's not really new. These TFRs are really annoying sometimes and have caused me (And many others, especially smaller airports within the 28nm outer ring) to lose some work, but such is life. It's quick and simple to check for TFRs and NOTAMs before you fly. FAA websites and apps will give you the info you need.


[deleted] OP t1_j0utxyy wrote

I think I'm looking at the wrong list, but shouldn't it be posted here? don't see anything:


AFirefighter11 t1_j0uvl69 wrote

There is not a current TFR in effect in the area. I didn't actually see what time the TFR ended this morning when it was active. Usually, it's something like 10 or 11a on Monday morning, but that varies on every TFR. Sometimes a TFR could be published to end at 1700 (5p) for example, but the VIP leaves the area earlier at say 930a and the TFR is then removed. Looking at the archives, this TFR expired at 1530Z (10:30a Eastern) today.


GroupBQuattro t1_j0uzmje wrote

The TFR expired at 10. Here is a screenshot of its coverage right after the Cessna popped it. By the time i went to check what flight levels it included, it had expired TFR


OneBlazingTaco t1_j0ufvzq wrote

I'm in Manayunk, just came to ask the same thing. Saw a single "fighter" jet (idk military equipment), but it certainly sounded like more than one. Or maybe it was just lower than usual? I don't know, but that shit was loud over here.


Ok-Twist4483 t1_j0ug689 wrote

Definitely sounded like more than one


Mikemo05 t1_j0vfbm0 wrote

Didn’t hear but sonic booms happen twice for 1 plane


SubtleDickJoke t1_j0ugjzq wrote

It was an F-15. No idea why, there aren’t any active duty bases with them nearby and I don’t know if any guard bases with them around here. They might be having an IFE.


KuyaGTFO t1_j0ulhl2 wrote

Like people were saying, presidential support

They’re up in the air anytime he’s out of DC airspace in case some octogenarian with a hearing problem takes his Cessna near restricted airspace


themeatbridge t1_j0uh5qd wrote

It could be up from around the DC area. A while back, we had a fighter flyover out in the burbs, and it was because of an incident near Dover.


dexmargus t1_j0ujkd3 wrote

Probably escorting a plane that violated the no fly zone due to Biden being in Wilmington De.


kingintheyunk t1_j0uk3mb wrote

Reminds me of the time I saw the chinook from my backyard in Manayunk.


brianly t1_j0v1z1z wrote

I grew up in a rural part of Northern Ireland where my grandmother ran a non-sectarian pub where catholic and protestant farmers would hang out. RAF Chinooks and Pumas would occasionally land in a secluded field nearby ostensibly to offload patrols, but it was mostly cover to go to a normal pub.

Pubs in towns tended to be one side, or the other. While some soldiers colluded with loyalists, the vast majority just had a shitty, boring deployments. Officer effort went into keeping people in barracks. Much like it is with low ranks in the US Army, officers had to invest time preventing privates getting themselves into fights and low-level trouble. Trouble was multiplied with privates that had zero understanding of either side in the Troubles. Hence, the appetite to spend tax payer money on helicopter excursions.


IcedCoffeeIsBetter t1_j0vw84f wrote

Have a friend who is a pilot of said helicopters and he said they follow the river occasionally to get flight hours which is why we see them pass by Manayunk every now and then.


[deleted] OP t1_j0ug77i wrote

Saw an F-15 (I think) circling a few times over Wynnefield


GroupBQuattro t1_j0un8rk wrote

Used to live at the mansion at bala and FUCK this would have been such a cool Sight


NomNomChickpeas t1_j0ux9rs wrote

I'm out that way, and yeah it was pretty cool. 😁 Knowing the story is even more cool now!


gijyun t1_j0ufyk8 wrote

Hearing it in south philly


sandwichpepe t1_j0ugb2j wrote

fuck why’d it have to make me wake up!!!! i was sleeping so nicely :(


Simply827 t1_j0utw50 wrote

I somehow slept through it. Now I feel like I missed out. I wonder if my husband saw it.


GroupBQuattro t1_j0ulhuz wrote

Presidential TFR popped by that 172.


MAXQDee-314 t1_j0uu3p3 wrote

That was the sound of a Cessna Pilot deciding to take up Kayaking.


UncleBogus t1_j0ug85s wrote

F-15. Spotted over Manayunk.


JT07 t1_j0uglfi wrote

Sounded pretty damn loud here in East Falls. Looked at the flight path and it went pretty much right over my house.


MedicCrow t1_j0ujzer wrote

I'm on winter break for university and it woke me up and flew so low over my house the windows shook and rattled. I jumped out of bed to grab my cat.


Break-88 t1_j0vjf3x wrote

That’s amazing. All OP had to say was “What the hell was that” in the title and everyone knew what he was talking about. I guess it was hard to miss


lauramels t1_j0ugs7f wrote

Heard and saw it near Fairmount too, wtf?


xsmokexflamesx t1_j0uj429 wrote

Checking in from center city. Saw it while I was looking out the window at work.


djstretchnuts t1_j0ujlel wrote

low flying fighter jet! seen it out here in ardmore too! must be doing an exercise or something


Holdmypipe t1_j0uke5l wrote

I farted pretty loud, sounded like a helicopter. Didn’t think half the city would be able to hear it though.


NoREEEEEEtilBrooklyn t1_j0ukguy wrote

It was an F-15. It buzzed my office out here on the main line.


just_Okapi t1_j0uiyzs wrote

Woke me up in Lansdowne, I am now cranky.


leebruce2 t1_j0ujfux wrote

I think it was an F-15 escorting an aircraft into New Jersey. I was following it on flightradar24


tgalen t1_j0vj6ng wrote

We really need a whyfighterjet tag


AyeBonito t1_j0ug9p7 wrote

So damn loud. Only got a quick look, seemed like an F-18 or F-22 but couldn’t tell


12kdaysinthefire t1_j0uupa4 wrote

Aww I guess I missed it. I heard a loud ass sound but thought it was just a UPS truck flying down the street


ItsAChainReactionWOO t1_j0vi0f9 wrote

Fuck. Imagine if the Cessna pilot was just extra clueless and they had to shoot him down. Like, where’s that threshold? How close does one need to get before they just launch a rocket up his ass


murphysfriend t1_j0w1lel wrote

Dang it all pilots! Read the fuckin NOTAMS! That’s Notices to Airmen!


ExPatWharfRat t1_j0we4pj wrote

I read that this was a NORAD training exercise on intercepting low and slow aircraft with an F15. Was that not the case?


shark_skin_suit t1_j0w1h2t wrote

Why the fuck are military planes allowed to fly over an American city?


labink t1_j0y5x0d wrote

Training purposes?


shark_skin_suit t1_j0z5aj9 wrote

that's what the midwest is for.


labink t1_j10zk54 wrote

I’m sorry that you are so butthurt. I’ll will ask the secretary of defense to call you for any future flights.


Interesting_Ad_9305 t1_j0ulqgh wrote



nemalde t1_j0ui1h9 wrote

Your mom


_Abobo t1_j0uteu6 wrote

Tangent: if you disagree that a single engine 4 seater poses an existential threat to the US military if flying within 30 miles of wherever the president decides to have dinner at the last minute, and also disagree with the cost of intercepts, opportunity cost for all the aviation related businesses that need to shut down for the day, and the annoyance and danger of having a fighter jet circle over a densely populated area, join many in the aviation community and write your representative asking that these 9/11 era restrictions stop altogether.
