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shortthem t1_iz491l8 wrote

Me. If you do and are either new gun owner or just not very experienced, I’d recommend getting training. Maj Toure offers training at solutionary lifestyle and I think it is free but not 100% sure on that. But I’d learn gun safety, and probably should take a medical class to learn how to at least apply a tourniquet.


kdeltar t1_iz4ovdn wrote

You should cross post to Philly wiki


BearPhilly t1_iz4tylm wrote

Yes but get your license and do training for sure.


NonIdentifiableUser t1_iz50n89 wrote

I don’t have no plans to unless I was to get into a position where I’m likely to be targeted (i.e. store owner) and even then I’d likely keep it only where I’m likely to need it. Too much risk of negative outcomes otherwise. Frankly, it shouldn’t even be an issue, but the gun nuts in this country that have dreams of being the hero with a gun would rather have hundreds of millions of circulation, of which some are inevitably going to become illegal firearms used in the commission of a crime, than have actual sensible restrictions like every other comparable country.


philadelphia-ModTeam t1_iz61k1w wrote

Rule 6: This comment was removed for advocating, threatening, or promoting actions likely to lead to violence or physical harm.