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kxm1234 t1_j1o8gyx wrote

No, the employer wouldn’t be open if the restaurant didn’t make money. Demand creates an incentive to open.


PhillyPanda t1_j1ol1e8 wrote

I’d rather an Indian restaurant or jewish/Israeli restaurant shut down for holidays that they want to celebrate than to force Christian culture on everyone. Let businesses operate as they want to. Don’t like it, then quit. Open restaurants today are a minority and the demand for restaurant workers is still there so move if it’s not worth it.


[deleted] t1_j1ool7c wrote



PhillyPanda t1_j1oq5sx wrote

You’re “entitled” to eat as a paying customer wherever is open today bc it’s open and serving food to customers.


[deleted] t1_j1oqpht wrote



PhillyPanda t1_j1or0u4 wrote

You do actually, if I show up to your open restaurant and pay you money

Why isn’t a Hindu allowed to earn some money today? Bc Christians decide the holidays?

The Chinese Jewish Christmas Day meal is a literal tradition.


[deleted] t1_j1ovmdj wrote



PhillyPanda t1_j1ovwdt wrote

It is still a tradition in many Jewish families. Tradition doesn’t mean sacred.