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CountryGuy123 t1_j2c8jjp wrote

And all of these scripts are recorded and available to state governments. I don't want manufacturers overriding medical doctors, that's insane. If the doctors are abusing their credentials, then let state medical boards address it.

The manufacturer has a MEDICAL DOCTOR prescribing the drugs. Why would you want engineers and distribution / transportation professionals making medical decisions??


Away_Swimming_5757 t1_j2cirdw wrote

Not to mention, in the event AmeriSourceBergen were to deny pharmacies orders they placed and said, "Well, we did a Macro on our Excel spreadsheet and you were flagged as ordering too many because of the population of your region", there would be all types of lawsuits and violations waged against them.

The true culprits here are the doctors who prescribed them, the sales reps who pushed them and bribed doctors and the creators of the addictive medicines who weren't honest or transparent with the addictive potential of their products. The distributor is not the problem, in my opinion.