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typeytypetype t1_j28ygic wrote

Can ring in the New Year at basically any bar you like, but New Year's Day is the big thing here. Pack a backpack full of road sodas and head to broad street for the parade. Post up at one of the intersections where they stop to perform, and enjoy. Go to 2nd Street (two street) after if you want to participate in a real drunken shitshow.


YoungHeartOldSoul OP t1_j28yrg1 wrote

Mmm I do enjoy both holding up walls, and drunken shit shows, thank for the heads up!

Also I just googled road soda and I think I'm all about that now too.


typeytypetype t1_j28z6th wrote

Lol I was curious to see what google would tell you about road sodas...I had no idea that was the name of a drink. I just meant beverages for the road/drinks on-the-go.


YoungHeartOldSoul OP t1_j290irs wrote

Road so it seemed like the kind of thing that could be taken both literally or not and so I decided to be safe and Google it haha.


unexpectedlytired t1_j291ipj wrote


YoungHeartOldSoul OP t1_j292am1 wrote

Oh I do miss the orchestra, both as an audience member and a performer. Thank you for reminding me, actually passed by the music all this week but forgot to look into it.


unexpectedlytired t1_j293e3g wrote

Happy to help. I hope you’re able to make it out to a performance soon.


[deleted] t1_j28z7nn wrote



YoungHeartOldSoul OP t1_j290emk wrote

I moved here from Baltimore but I was only there about 6 months so I didn't really have roots there, but before that I lived in Alabama my whole life.

I live around grays ferry so (to my knowledge) I'll have to travel basically no matter what I want to do, and that's fine with me.

Xfinity life sounds worth checking out if for nothing else just to see what's up. I think another commenter slightly suggested I attend the murmurs parade without saying that's what it was, possibly for fear of scaring me off haha. I've heard a lot about the murmurs but I still have no clue what it is or when it happens ( besides New Year's Day) but I'm 100% down for whatever it is. I love drunken nonsense when I don't have to clean it up or be involved.

Thank you!


typeytypetype t1_j293kwe wrote

Sorry, I absolutely was suggesting the Mummers parade. Wasn't intentionally being vague haha. And not to chime in and shit on this other suggestion, but FYI if you're female I wouldn't go to Xfinity solo. I got roofied there. Not a good time.


YoungHeartOldSoul OP t1_j2954sy wrote

That's a fair warning. I'm a guy, so in one sense in less of a concern, but it's always good to be aware nonetheless.