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SirLaxer t1_j222nzy wrote

If you live in Roxborough/Manayunk, the Navy Yard, Somerton, or underneath the Platt Memorial Bridge, I wish you all a good long life.


ColdJay64 t1_j2253u4 wrote

Grad Hospital, Fitler Square, Spring Garden, and Franklintown had no shootings, residential Rittenhouse had just one (road rage incident if that matters). Logan Square had zero until the affair-related hotel room shooting on Christmas which doesn’t impact neighborhood neighborhood safety. East Passyunk is good too.


beancounter2885 t1_j23pjur wrote

One Saturday sometime in May or June, I was walking with my girlfriend on East Passyunk, and heard a shoot out very close by. It was like 1 pm, and there were a ton of people on the street that heard it as well. I never saw anything about it on the citizen app or the news, and when I asked on here, it was taking down fairly quickly. A couple people PM'd me to say they heard it as well before it was taken down. I'm assuming this list is missing a bunch of stuff like that.


cold_toes_poe t1_j24gc15 wrote

It only tracks injuries and deaths, there were at least 2 shootings by house this year when I was home. Like close enough I could see the running and smoke. Neither are on the map, probably because there were no deaths/injuries.


ColdJay64 t1_j24mwoc wrote

If it was gunfire, I guess there were just no victims? But, I just meant that it’s good in this regard. Hell, there were multiple shootings in Times Square last year with random victims and I still consider it safe. I also consider Center City quite safe, regardless of a handful of incidents.


nolandeluca t1_j24isiw wrote

I used to live in strawberry, I've seen people get dropped and nothing reported on citizen


succulent_flakepiece t1_j22c9cq wrote

i live in manayunk.. the people in the rnr group love to bitch about how this neighborhood is going to shit and blah blah blah... with the amount of shootings here you can count on one hand... vs anywhere else in the city.. esp NE/South Philly/Kensington .. it's still pretty calm here. these boomers have no idea what it's like outside of here.

sure it gets a little dicey around ridge/walnut & Henry/walnut and at some of the apartments, but nothing compares to elsewhere. Pre Pandemic I used to live in Grays Ferry between 28th & 29th and between Tasker and Dickinson... that was.... something. A shooting pretty much daily. The final straw was when i got home from work and i heard multiple shots from a semi automatic a block away as i just got out of my car. I couldn't do it anymore. These people would not survive down there


squirrel_eatin_pizza t1_j22fr5o wrote

there are so many boomers who moved to Florida but still stalk the RNR page, literally saying Roxborough is the new Kensington, how its not like the 70s anymore and its all Kranser's fault. They are screaming for Rox high to be shut down as if those high schoolers from Germantown are of less value than kids from Rox or Manayunk.


Kind_Session_6986 t1_j23w7vd wrote

We’re also in Manayunk. Family of 4 +dog. Working professional adults and middle schooler and elementary baby. Aside from the terrible grocery store options, it’s not terrible place and we’re out and about daily.


succulent_flakepiece t1_j242jco wrote

i don't mind it here. i walk my dog daily and never have any issues. there's crime and such all over.. just don't be dumb. the grocery stores do suck here though. i pretty much always drive to Wegmans or giant in the metroplex.


Lioness_37 t1_j240v0b wrote

Roxborough/Manayunk is generally safe by city standards but note - the Rox HS shooting victims are not included on this map.


Effective_Golf_3311 t1_j228iqt wrote

“This map is fucking racist as fuck”


yogaballcactus t1_j224qex wrote

2200+ shootings and only 518 court cases. That’s ridiculous. We need to start solving more than one shooting in four.


Big-Compote-5483 t1_j23dvgd wrote

The clearance rate for murders is below 30%. With those odds murderers gonna keep murderin'


Hoyarugby t1_j253jtg wrote

In the fantastic book Ghettoside about gun violence in america, the "protagonist" of the book, an LAPD detective, argues that a 30% clearance rate is actually even worse than it looks. He classes ~30% of murders as "self solvers" - murders that don't require much, if any, investigating to solve. Stuff like murder-suicides, cases where the shooting happened in front of a cop, cases where the killer walked into the police station to confess. A clearance rate of 30-40% in practice means that only a few murders beyond those self-solvers are actually getting solved

The book also discusses how low clearance rates create low clearance rates - instead of expecting the state to solve the murder of their friends/family, individuals instead take vigilante justice into their own hands, but this reality just creates cycles of violence and leads to accidental killing of bystanders and misidentified people

Can't recommend the book enough - though it's depressing because it was written in the first half of this decade when murders were steeply declining nationwide, and concludes on an optimistic note. Whereas now nationally we're at levels we haven't seen since the 90s


Big-Compote-5483 t1_j25t18a wrote

Hey friend, thank you for the book recommendation! Ordered a copy today 🍻


Manowaffle t1_j23oc6a wrote

Would probably help if half the police actually showed up to work, instead of collecting disability.


cambridge_dani t1_j24d8cb wrote

The really sad part is the not so subtle racism that determines some murders as just “ok”


LurkersWillLurk t1_j22aofe wrote

Why would Larry Krasner do this? (/s)


TreeMac12 t1_j23xaid wrote

>Why would Larry Krasner do this?

He lives in one of the few areas with no red dots. Helen Gym, too.


ScottishCalvin t1_j24jhby wrote

Given that they're almost all criminals killing other criminals. there's not too much to incentivize the police. If two meth dealers want to shoot each other over $30 then I'd say go right ahead.

Plus add in all the 'sniches get stiches' hood mentality, it's not like anyone's going to offer any help in naming suspects. Half the people in those area see the murders as a sign of a job well done, about their drug-selling crew showing how should be shown 'respec' for being such towering leaders of industry


Jlaybythebay t1_j22hcyn wrote

Passyunk May not have gun murders but we got dead people in freezers


Manowaffle t1_j23o9bt wrote

Yeah, fuck that news story. Not at all creepy as hell.


Hoyarugby t1_j254dew wrote

The photos of the crime scene leaked - the way it was described did not match the reality. The body was "in a freezer", but there was blood everywhere and it looked like the person was dumped there very recently. Media coverage made it sound like it was a serial killer and we're just finding a body now after they'd been dead for months, not at all what the scene looked like


solipsisticsundays t1_j255thb wrote

Takes gumption and creativity to break through all the headlines of murder and gunshots.


GoGoGadgetReddit OP t1_j21qg8g wrote

Woohoo! Far Northeast just needs to hold out for 3 more days...


enn_sixty_four t1_j23m489 wrote

Glad these murders are so fun for you!


HeCooksForYou t1_j24iy57 wrote

Yeah for real why the fuck are you getting downvoted


GoGoGadgetReddit OP t1_j24yrf5 wrote

Perhaps because nobody here actually thinks that murders are fun, or should take my comment to mean that?


fritolazee t1_j221pl6 wrote

East Passyunk seems relatively free of shootings. It's almost like there's a force field from Broad -7th and Snyder to Washington...must be the combo of old mafia dudes "handling things" and relative wealth.


GruffEnglishGentlman t1_j22hpq9 wrote

Probably has more to do with the fact that the people who live there buy a lot less fentanyl and crack from street dealers than, say, K&A.


ageofadzz t1_j22d2tr wrote

East Passyunk free of shootings champs 2022


CookedDenimRawPizza t1_j2228h8 wrote

Don’t overthink it. That strip is just less wealthy and will be the last to (fully) gentrify in South Philly. 7th isn’t super walkable to the BSL and it isn’t really close to 95. It’s not a no man’s land, but it tracks that it is the least “developed”.


fritolazee t1_j225sgu wrote

I was halfway joking but in seriousness, I always thought there were a couple gangs based on 5th and 7th in particular.


Rotaryknight t1_j22k5t8 wrote

5th street, 7th street and dickinson gangs all disappeared. I grew up with many of them and some of them are in jail....but mostly the old heads grew the fuck up and became parents.
There used to be turf wars in the east passyunk area with Dickinson narrows? but that died down because they all went seperate ways


fritolazee t1_j24tavn wrote

Thanks for the info. Sad to see so many young lives lost like that.


Rotaryknight t1_j22jzte wrote

How bad can snyder be? I used to walk from 5th snyder to broad to get on the BSL everyday to go to school and the way back home. 5th and moore, and 6th and mckean used to be the hot spot in the 90s, but compared to then, everything is very walkable in south philly in my eyes...


CookedDenimRawPizza t1_j22kx92 wrote

I guess I should say it is walkable to you and I, but many people won’t walk that distance regardless of location.


ColdJay64 t1_j225dt7 wrote

Do you think it will take longer than Point Breeze/Gray’s Ferry?


CookedDenimRawPizza t1_j22632d wrote

I guess I really should have said “last to gentrify in South Philly east of Broad”. Was definitely only thinking on the east side when I wrote that.

To answer your question/make a guess… Point Breeze will probably gentrify fully before the strip around 7th. Grays Ferry probably gentrifies last even though it seems like developers are trying to make it happen. Personally I don’t quite get it. It’s transit connections are poor and it’s not particularly walkable. I guess with how close it is to PB and Grad Hospital combined with how cheap the real estate is (was?), people will try.


ColdJay64 t1_j229gdy wrote

Gotcha, that makes sense. I did some exploring around 7th, south of Snyder and it's a pretty interesting place. Definitely no new development, but I was surprised by the amount of restaurants and stores.

Was just wondering because I did think you meant all of South Philly, and I recently moved to the 23rd and Federal (ish) area. It is somewhat gentrified but has awhile to go - with a lot going on around the corner on Washington Ave. My block is a nice mix of people who have lived here their whole lives, and UPenn employees.


GruffEnglishGentlman t1_j22hivx wrote

Grey’s Ferry abuts some massive housing projects. It is not going to gentrify any time soon, with the possible exceptions of areas on its northern and eastern fringe.


horsebacon t1_j23oamy wrote

Interesting that it’s the controller’s office and not the DAO’s DATA lab.

(I mean, it’s obviously a first step in Rhynhart’s plan to address gun violence as part of her mayoral campaign, but completely sidestepping the DAO and the lab they’ve been running since Krasner was elected is definitely saying something.)


KenzoWap t1_j21q071 wrote

Data may be incomplete. Definitely notice a few missing.


shark_skin_suit t1_j227ild wrote

yeah, the shooting in roxborough was in september, not march


Jethro_Cull t1_j23fva5 wrote

If you’re talking about the Roxbo HS shooting, it’s there. It just had multiple victims in the same location. When I first opened the map, it only showed a non-fatal shooting of the 15yo black kid. When I filter for only fatal shootings on the map, it revealed the fatal shooting of the 14yo Hispanic kid.


AtBat3 t1_j23jysr wrote

So you’re saying I should move to the northeast?


talosthe9th t1_j23tw1g wrote

Just wait till they release swiss cheese pervert incident map before signing any leases


fungi_blastbeat t1_j23wgns wrote

Hmm, the Roxborough highschool shooting had 1 death and 4 non-fatal gun shot victims. But in the map it just says 1 non-fatal victim. I also know for a fact it's missing a few other confirmed shootings in Roxborough/Manayunk. With that, not sure I trust this map.


RoverTheMonster t1_j22ai6l wrote

Tbh, I’m surprised Girard Ave in Brewerytown doesn’t have at least one dot w the stuff that happens at 29th


Sweetarrow t1_j22vjez wrote

Im on 26th above Cecil B and that map doesnt show any of the real activity happening.Theres always someone being shot around here.

Even with a squad car on 27th 24/7 someone was shot and died the other day. In September there was a shootout in front of my house with my ring picking up the start if it. 22 casings found and thankfully no one shot. I keep waiting for it to get safer but i suspect its going to be a long wait.


TreeMac12 t1_j23xhce wrote

>that map doesnt show any of the real activity happening.

I live in Kensington and there's a lot more activity that is not on this map. There was a murder on G Street that was livestreamed on Facebook Live that is not here.


skip_tracer t1_j22f6ho wrote

this is actually really fascinating, and in a weird way I actually feel safer now about where I live (east of Aramingo, west of Richmond, south of Allegheny, north of Lehigh).


Section_80 t1_j23xz5o wrote

Maybe I'm just too optimistic and look at things with a glass half full, but I was pleasantly surprised by the count near where I live.

But I will admit, now I see why some of you in West and North Philly are worried all the time.


shark_skin_suit t1_j227f06 wrote

Interesting data set. Here's the breakdown of the average shooter's age:

Age 20 - 99 (4.4%)Age 21 - 98 (4.4%)Age 18 - 90 (4%)Age 19 - 90 (4%)Age 23 - 89 (4%)Age 17 - 85 (3.8%)Age 25 - 84 (3.8%)Age 24 - 80 (3.6%)Age 28 - 80 (3.6%)Age 29 - 79 (3.5%)

the ages creep higher for fatal shootings: 1. 18 21 (4.5%)
2. 19 21 (4.5%)
3. 20 21 (4.5%)
4. 21 21 (4.5%)
5. 26 21 (4.5%)
6. 25 20 (4.3%)
7. 34 19 (4.1%)
8. 30 17 (3.7%)
9. 32 17 (3.7%)
10. 33 17 (3.7%)


givemesendies t1_j22v64j wrote

Interesting, does this mean people shoot less often as they get older, but they are more likely to successfully kill someone?


Civil_Peak t1_j232s3h wrote

Weird it won't let me see any of the shootings that are in the middle or the ocean or Disney world (although I think they moved the cases to the middle of the ocean now).


Bartleby_TheScrivene t1_j23u28e wrote

I appreciate that they include court case info on here. Shows if they caught the suspect or not.


thisisntshakespeare t1_j24g110 wrote

Seems like “Suspected Gang-related” would have been a good parameter as well. Perhaps most of them are, but marking isolated incidents vs gang activity would be interesting to know imo.


Lawlington t1_j24ud5e wrote

One thing I’d like to see, is the trend YOY for zip codes that are on the “border” of gentrifying fully, like 19122 (Old Kensington, nestled between Poplar, No Libs, Fishtown and Kenzo). I’ve lived in that code for a few years now and it seems like things are getting better, even though it hasn’t necessarily been bad since I’ve been around. Lots of nightlife options and food for younger crowds seems to have made walking around late at night safer, from my own anecdotal experiences


Hoyarugby t1_j2542fy wrote

I'm fortunate to live in a part of the city where there were "only" 3 shootings within a couple blocks, all of them thankfully non-fatal. But depressing to see that none of them had an open court case. Two of the three happened in broad daylight!


lemming-leader12 t1_j25caqe wrote

I'm surprised and happy this visual data resource exists. I was able to look through some of the shootings that happened in front of my house in 2020.


waterboy1321 t1_j25dlml wrote

Make sure you zoom out and check Disney World for any that were "misfiled!"


Gabagoo44 t1_j21oos4 wrote

Nothing to see here it’s just the whole city.


unioncarp t1_j23yksr wrote

Did you look at the map? Some large sections of the city with zero shootings.


[deleted] t1_j25kh50 wrote



[deleted] t1_j25kouz wrote



[deleted] t1_j25ptom wrote



unioncarp t1_j25sud6 wrote

You must not be from Philly, that’s a term of endearment here. But I deleted it so your whittle feelings aren’t hurt. ❄️