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IvanStarokapustin t1_j09h8ih wrote

You‘re up against the people who think free parking is a human right in the city.


GlioBlastoMultiforme t1_j0e1ezy wrote

But I NEED to drive my car 0.5 miles to the store even though I have two fully functional legs. /s


Fattom23 t1_j09c8bs wrote

If only there was some organization in the city responsible for keeping the crosswalks clear...


Master_Winchester t1_j0booh7 wrote

PPA: we don't patrol that part of the city, contact the police
911: contact your precinct
Precinct: it doesn't matter if ppa doesn't patrol there, it's their job and we can't do it for them


Little_Noodles t1_j09us6k wrote

I live in one of a handful of areas in the city where parking is legit not that hard. People still pull this shit to avoid using the ample parking that exists like, a block and a half away from where they chose to park.


filladellfea t1_j0bjaf5 wrote

at almond and clearfield there is a dodge, i believe it is an avenger, that just straight up parks IN the intersection. i'm talking 2/3 of the car is just in the intersection.

you can tell the person lives super close and refuses to look for other parking because the car is ALWAYS in that intersection in the evening. the best (worst) part is that it sometimes remains there during the day once all the other cars leave for work... so you just end up with a single car just sitting in the middle of the intersection.

it's so bad that i've seen PPA ticket it - which, for port richmond, is kind of unheard of.


GibMcSpook t1_j0bhzu6 wrote

The ones who really need to heed this advice will not see this or care, unfortunately.

That said, as one who regularly has to take the approach of inching out on the street which i’m turning and crossing my fingers that someone doesn’t come speeding down and T-bones me, I couldn’t agree more. F*ck all the donuts who park like that- especially their dumb pickup trucks.


FoshOliver t1_j09z95v wrote

I want to print up a flyer for these folks with a passionate plea to consider the safety of me as a driver and my children as passengers when I can't see oncoming traffic because of where they chose to park their vehicle

...and I want to start wheat pasting that flyer to the fucking windshields of these assholes. And if you drive that all black charger that does this every day on my block, I'm talking specifically about you.


jtrofe t1_j0bgzf4 wrote

They should install curb extensions at all intersections


uptown_gargoyle t1_j0bmje5 wrote

I don't get why this post gets to stay up but the "what can we actually do about unsafe driving culture" needed to be removed


courageous_liquid t1_j0d0bao wrote

Because the only real answer is 'reddit is not a substitute for talking to your councilperson.'


uptown_gargoyle t1_j0du98u wrote

I don't want to get into an argument, but don't you think a group of people working together -- even if only to talk to our councilpeople -- would make a bigger splash than one person doing it? And that something like that is more worthy of discussion than "HEY ASSHOLE" type posts?


courageous_liquid t1_j0edg6g wrote

I don't really think either are necessary. There's a lot of people here making weird nextdoor-y posts lately.

And yes, get signatures from the whole block or the block captain to go to a councilperson, so they actually live in the neighborhood, which matters more than a bunch of people on the internet, many of which don't even live here.


GlioBlastoMultiforme t1_j0e1r7x wrote

The mods removed this? The carbrain in this city is real. Any talk of infrastructure that would drastically improve safety albeit at a slight inconvenience to drivers is blasphemous.

Meanwhile the annual US automobile death toll is 40,000+. At what point does it become an epidemic?


bmotmfb t1_j0b7r0p wrote

Seriously. Where’s the PPA when you actually need them?


Ok_Noise6705 t1_j0bt09y wrote

Absolutely love when they’re sitting in the car while doing this and watch me struggle with my double stroller to find a safe and accessible way to cross. I’ve begun asking them to move and most will.


Fattom23 t1_j0e8e3b wrote

I'm shocked (but kinda happy) that such people will move when you ask them to. It gives me some kind of hope.


Ok_Noise6705 t1_j0ebved wrote

Same! I’ve been pleasantly surprised as well! I’ve found most people feel really stupid/guilty once they get called out in it by someone needing what they’re blocking


TheBSQ t1_j0bqr16 wrote

It affects both the ability of drivers to see oncoming traffic and makes it very hard for people with wheelchairs, strollers, or physical limitations who rely on the curb cuts at crosswalks.

I know someone in my neighborhood who keys the shit out of any car he passes in a crosswalk. I won’t condone or encourage that sort of behavior, but I don’t feel much empathy for those car owners either.


bumpyboatman t1_j0cfgsz wrote

I leave parking tickets on cars who do this—and by parking tickets I mean my dog’s waste baggies


Suitable_Air7897 t1_j0adzse wrote

If only we had someone who could do that,like a officer,an enforcer,someone with authority if you will. And they handled things like parking. We could start a company and enforce laws on parking,like a parking authority of some sort. And you had to go to court to prove your innocence or pay a fine. Ah,oh well !


tungwill t1_j0bn8pw wrote

This frustrates me to no end… you can report illegally parked cars in non-PPA zones in Philly by texting 911.

Include exact location, make, model and if possible, the plate number.

It may take a while for them to come, but PPD will eventually ticket.


Edison_Ruggles t1_j0c1bdy wrote

Really? You can test 911? Have you ever seen this work?


tungwill t1_j0cl3cn wrote

Yes, it works in Philly now… I’ve done it myself


researching4worklurk t1_j0fdq32 wrote

Hear me out - what if we appropriate use of savesies cones/lawn chairs to fight this by putting a cone right at the start of the crosswalk/before a curb cut?

I’m not an asshole who does any of this, so I don’t think like one and this plan might be flawed in some way that I can’t see. But I feel like a decent percentage of crosswalk parkers obey “savesies law” because 1) when they’re not parking in the crosswalk, they’re definitely the same people doing shit like putting cones in “their” spot and 2) they think moving another person’s cone is grounds for physical violence (since they, themselves may employ it) and so might not do so. Also, the added step of having to get out and move it is a deterrent.


DoctorRieux t1_j0cexvb wrote

I almost got hit by a car because of this


GlioBlastoMultiforme t1_j0e16wl wrote

I feel infrastructure improvements like daylighting would help. Any sort of barrier that would prevent parking. It would make the streets much safer.


Fattom23 t1_j0e8j7p wrote

I can't even imagine the barrier that would be needed to keep a Philly driver from doing this. It would need to be at least four feet tall, poisoned and somehow explode.


DonovanMcLoughlin t1_j09axqf wrote

You're asking people in Philly to be considerate? Fuck off. /s


ILaikspace t1_j0c7u07 wrote

Start blasting a shoulder thru their side view mirrors when youre walking thru where you’re supposed to


CathedralEngine t1_j0a3mz7 wrote

How hard is it to walk around something?


kelliehoable t1_j0aogc6 wrote

A disabled person might have something to say about it.


B3n222 t1_j0b9o0h wrote

Ditto strollers. Though I think the op was pointing out that it's dangerous to drive past this shit.


beeps-n-boops t1_j0bnmv2 wrote

So, people should simply be allowed to park wherever the fuck they want, as long as it's convenient for them?


Ok_Noise6705 t1_j0bsqa6 wrote

Ah yes walking right into traffic on busy streets in a city full of insane drivers with a double stroller of babies is so easy & safe & not a big deal at all.


GlioBlastoMultiforme t1_j0e25y0 wrote

How hard is it to not park like an asshole? If people can't responsibly store their cars in the city, maybe they shouldn't drive one.