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jbphilly t1_j1413l3 wrote

>The Republican party is made of a lot of different wings.

And all of them happily fall in line behind fascists.

>The UL is more akin to fiscal conservative/constitutionalist type.

Yes, supporting the guy who spent four years shitting on the Constitution and tried to do a coup, very constitutionalist, much rule of law, wow.

>If Trump is running the Union league will side with his primary opponent.

And if (when) he wins the primary, they will go back to tacitly supporting him, just like they did before.


JWHISKY707 t1_j1494ja wrote

Didnt they host him in like 2016 right as he was elected and not a peep since?


jbphilly t1_j14cemj wrote

How many of them did anything whatsoever to push back against him? Did the organization do anything at all to speak out against his corruption, racism, or authoritarianism? Did they stop supporting the party that he became the absolute leader of?

I'm gonna bet they didn't. Plus, just recently they did some event dickriding Desantis, who is every bit as bad and un-American as Trump.