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H00die5zn t1_j28uh05 wrote

It’s too late. It’s already out there in a nice tidy pile.


Baron_Von_D t1_j29j1f7 wrote

Raccoon and opossum friends will make sure that's all sorted out
*Edit, why the downvotes? Just making jokes


H00die5zn t1_j29tyl5 wrote

Lid is locked. And unless they want cardboard then they will be disappointed. They could, however, go to my neighbors who have no idea what a lid or lock is and be very happy


Baron_Von_D t1_j2a2fwz wrote

Ah, nice. Not the ole leave it and let it get torn up that other people do.


frankoceansheadband t1_j29fn74 wrote

I’ll stop using paper bags for recycling when my recycling bin stops disappearing


porkchameleon t1_j295brm wrote

Where were you last week, fam? :'(


ageofadzz t1_j292nxv wrote

Heard the recycling truck this morning, good times.


pro_cat_herder t1_j28x8u0 wrote

Of course the city doesn’t have 2023 dates up yet, that would be silly.


danmyoo t1_j292evh wrote's still 2022


pro_cat_herder t1_j292nf9 wrote

Just thought maybe it was going to be helpful for, ya know, 2 days from now. But no.


CerealJello t1_j29lyj6 wrote

I'm sure there will be some shockers on the 2023 calendar. Until we find a link to that, there's no way of knowing when New Years Day falls next year.


Callmedrexl t1_j2a6ybk wrote

What's it like where you are? Is the future any less grim than we predicted?