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Bikesandbakeries t1_j27p7vw wrote

I rode the 2 long enough to have a fav driver. Woman drove like she was making up time and in a way Id describe as cheerfully aggressive. greeted everyone and asked us how we were doing, loudly, and as youd expect, seemingly knew half the riders as if they went to school together. And if anyone got in her way or did something silly she would talk/react as if she was a sports fan reacting to a game. Always a good time if your blood pressure isnt already high.


strapinmotherfucker t1_j2a5uvb wrote

This was years ago but there was a 17 driver who got into a full on altercation with a postal worker for parking his truck in the bus lane, like this dude clipped the back of the mail truck, threw his hazards on, and got off the bus to yell at the guy, I wasn't even mad about being late for work.