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DonQOnIce t1_izj10o1 wrote

I don’t know if you mean physical power or more social power but honestly, when men use guns like this, I don’t think it has anything to do with being more physically powerful. A woman could just as easily shoot a partner at point blank range and they don’t do it as often.

Poor emotional guidance and entitlement seem way higher in the reasons.


ant_gargano t1_izjgghw wrote

Power struggle. He is angered by the fact that she is more successful in life and no longer needs him


igotbabydick t1_izj5l98 wrote

It’s all part of the fucked up way evolution played out. For 10000 years men and women depended on physicality to get ahead until recent times (100-150yrs) where our intellect plays a larger role. Unfortunately women were usually not as physically strong and men control the power. For everyone’s sake, we are slowly evolving out of that mindset but assholes like this still exist, and you take into account poor mental health, it’s all a ticking bomb when rejection happens.


tmmzc85 t1_izjnmze wrote

Downvoters ought to read "Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence," this guy might have put this "artlessly," but their gist is correct even if the deets are off - if you want to know why men kill their mates and sometime children, you're going to have to accept some hard truths about the fact that we're still animals, first and foremost.