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DonQOnIce t1_izixtbk wrote

What’s the deal with piece of shit men killing women when they leave him?


pillingz t1_izj0kf1 wrote

This is so wild to me. She’s been cutting my family’s hair all my life. Such a nice woman. RIP


DonQOnIce t1_izj10o1 wrote

I don’t know if you mean physical power or more social power but honestly, when men use guns like this, I don’t think it has anything to do with being more physically powerful. A woman could just as easily shoot a partner at point blank range and they don’t do it as often.

Poor emotional guidance and entitlement seem way higher in the reasons.


porkchameleon t1_izj19vq wrote

> According to friends and associates of Feldman, she had been in the process of divorcing her husband.

Nasty divorce? (Not speculating per se or justifying what's happened, but it could be an explanation/motive).


jamin_g t1_izj463s wrote

What's temple have that makes you put the guy back in an ambulance and carry him further down the road

Edit: Don't need to down vote cause I don't know how hospital ratings work


Dryheavemorning t1_izj54dx wrote a Domestic dispute.

I thought there was a rule against editorialized titles?


igotbabydick t1_izj5l98 wrote

It’s all part of the fucked up way evolution played out. For 10000 years men and women depended on physicality to get ahead until recent times (100-150yrs) where our intellect plays a larger role. Unfortunately women were usually not as physically strong and men control the power. For everyone’s sake, we are slowly evolving out of that mindset but assholes like this still exist, and you take into account poor mental health, it’s all a ticking bomb when rejection happens.


igotbabydick t1_izj6dnm wrote

What’s the source of the aggression? Every killing has a motive, and this one is text book power and control. She rejected him, and he couldn’t control the outcome so he killed her. It’s all buried in power dynamics, control and awful emotional discipline.


justanawkwardguy t1_izj6ney wrote

Temple is a level one trauma center, while Chestnut Hill Hospital is rather small. Not necessarily that Temple has more than other area hospitals, just that CHH has less and Temple was the closest larger one


jnobs t1_izjj1hh wrote

“She really went all out. She rented an empty storefront and really slayed it for Harry Potter,” McNally said

Poor choice of words in an article of this nature.


covercash t1_izjjjlg wrote

What’s the protocol for deciding which hospital to take him to in the first place? Clearly it was a gunshot wound, why not go directly to Temple? Just CHH proximity since it was only a minute or two away?


grizzlby t1_izjkr84 wrote

Came to say this. Zero mass shootings in 2022 were committed by women. Nationally. And while this is clearly NOT a mass shooting, gun violence as a whole is an overwhelmingly male-committed act.


tmmzc85 t1_izjnmze wrote

Downvoters ought to read "Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence," this guy might have put this "artlessly," but their gist is correct even if the deets are off - if you want to know why men kill their mates and sometime children, you're going to have to accept some hard truths about the fact that we're still animals, first and foremost.


eapocalypse t1_izjnnai wrote

And this is why guns should be banned and/or why it should be incredibly difficult to obtain them. When someone has access to guns domestic violence has an incredibly high chance to end in someone being shot.


tmmzc85 t1_izjnu83 wrote

>he couldn’t control the outcome so he killed her.

That's literally aggression.

I feel like you're too caught up in the chicken/egg here, these things are intrinsically linked - frustration over rejection and power differential lead to an aggressive, deadly outburst - it's not either/or


jakderrida t1_izjoa2g wrote

I recall an AMA whereby a blind redditor answered blindness related questions. When asked whether and how they became blind, they quite impressively provided an unemotional account of how he was among several family members his father shot in the head while sleeping before he fled town. I'm admittedly not a parent, but I simply can't grasp why one would murder their whole family before fleeing.


Bran_the_Builder t1_izjoaz5 wrote

Fuck, when they mentioned her daughter at the end the name sounded familiar. I was really hoping it wasn't a girl I knew in high school, but unfortunately it is her... I feel terrible.


ScottClam42 t1_izk9sxu wrote

I saw this shooting ping on my citizens app a couple night ago and was shocked to see it was at the top of the hill. That's extremely sad. What a selfish prick


irishgambin0 t1_izl28lj wrote

i was just reading the questions and someone asked how dating has been. he said not so great, and someone suggested he get a service dog. then, someone says he should instead get a service horse, adding, "survives getting shot, only to drown in pussy." lol


Electrical_List_2125 t1_izlblx7 wrote

I would like to see this become a wide spread message, similar to how people are calling out who is doing the bigger mass shootings. It feels like we never get to talk about it. I love my close guy friends, my brother, many men but there is a major major socialization problem happening there and if you raise it as a topic of discussion you’re an ‘angry shrew’


Strawb3rry_Slay3r666 t1_izlhcku wrote

That’s awful, that’s right around the corner from my grandparent’s house, I’m wonder if they knew her. Poor woman


Rich_Librarian_7758 t1_izlqwaz wrote

CHH is literally a block away. Temple is 15-20 mins. Sometimes, if the patient isn’t imminent they will attempt to make it to a level 1, but with an ER that close the hope is that they could stabilize at least enough for the short drive.


RJ5R t1_izm3dkd wrote

Family member was good friends with her.

When I saw this story I couldn't believe it

What a tragedy


ipissexcellence21 t1_izmqkes wrote

Exactly that they are pieces of shit. I actually just read the article about the girl who was killed on Ellsworth and they had a graphic that shows it’s almost 50/50 male and female victims of domestic Homicide. I assume it was only the city because there were only like 43 total last year but I never thought it was anywhere near that close. I would’ve said 75/25 female tops and assumed it was even higher.