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jk137jk t1_j4qpgri wrote

I always toss the chairs and cones I see onto the side wall and keep driving. It’s fun


muddymoose t1_j4sdwpw wrote

Then the next innocent and unassuming schmuck that’ parks in that spot will get their windshield wipers taken off and maybe even their tires popped if the person who put the chair there is a dumbass (and we know they most likely are)


I moved to Boston and its much worse up here. A person on my block does this every single day with two spots for their giant Mercedes SUVs. I make a 311 report every time but nothing happens


KingQuaddyy_ t1_j4slu33 wrote

Be careful with that, whoever parks there is going to get alot of problems for something they didn’t do. My neighbors almost fought when he parked in front of a guys house. I damn near got a car towed for moving my cones behind my house