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random_closet_weeb t1_j4jqyaw wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Helpless kitten by RumHam2024

im not coming into this section to everyone else saying "EAT MEAT BECAUSE IT'S GOOD!!!" and before you say that that is what i'm doing, im saying that people really dont appreciate you shoving something in their face that, guess what. they dont give a shit about. and it really isnt relevant right now. there is a difference between saving an animal from a building and eating different. oh and some people actually like eating meat because it tastes good. myself included. so please stop.


[deleted] t1_j4jrgli wrote



random_closet_weeb t1_j4jt0lq wrote

I’m not saying I don’t care about animals. It just isn’t appropriate to talk about eating plants n shit when a cat is in danger. And there isnt much of a difference between saving an animal from a highway and a slaughterhouse. One become a good meal in somebodies stomach and the other becomes a meal in a predators stomach. And to answer your very strange question, no you couldnt torture a human that would give you a life sentence. and doing that to an animal sucks too and shouldn’t happen but people are gonna do it anyway. Some people don’t give a shit and that sucks. But there’ll always be people out there like that and we can’t change that. Oh and fake meat tastes like shit. To me at least. It also seems to be the general consensus outside vegans.