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typeytypetype t1_j2rzbly wrote

#3 speaks to my soul.

I also just got back on duolingo and am on a 22 day streak, see if I can keep it going all year. Vamos!

Edit - forgot that the pound sign makes text big and bold. Whatever, leaving it. I probably need to yell at myself about the drinking anyway.


courageous_liquid t1_j2s13zs wrote

oh god there's an asshole on my morning subway that does duolingo without headphones in (like a psychopath) and the dinging noise when you get one right is so fucking annoying in the AM


typeytypetype t1_j2s27si wrote

Honestly any phone activity in public with the sound on is a total asshole move. One of my coworkers plays candy crush in the break room with the sound on. Kill me.


familyofgeniuses t1_j2s4ro6 wrote

hahaha. I hate the sound effects even as a user. Have you picked up any of the language at least?


courageous_liquid t1_j2s5uv7 wrote

Yeah, it's helped me somewhat with Russian (primary reason I use it), though it's incredibly frustrating because it's wrong like 10% of the time when it comes to syntax (i.e. I send screenshots to my in-laws and they're like yeah the way you said it is fine even though it got marked wrong).

Definitely has helped with my Italian, though.


familyofgeniuses t1_j2sui14 wrote

I find Duo mind numbingly boring, but I'll admit the repetition helps me internalize conjugation and grammatical structures without ever studying a chart.


courageous_liquid t1_j2svdlr wrote

I actually prefer the mechanics-heavy charted version of language learning but it's not conducive to short bursts of self-initiated learning, so duolingo is what I'm stuck with.